Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition.

Pharmaceutical Preparations
Wiley.. Chichester : Wiley
Frequency: Nine no. a year
Country: England
Language: English
Start Year:1979 -
0142-2782 (Print)
1099-081X (Electronic)
0142-2782 (Linking)
Impact Factor
NLM ID:7911226
LCCN:sc 80000272
Classification:W1 BI876MF
The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate after oral and intravenous single dose administration in the horse.
Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition    April 15, 2004   Volume 25, Issue 3 109-116 doi: 10.1002/bdd.392
Du J, White N, Eddington ND.The purpose of this study was to determine if glucosamine (GL) hydrochloride (FCHG49) and low molecular weight (LMW) chondroitin sulfate (CS) (TRH122) are absorbed after oral administration to horses. The bioavailability of LMWCS was evaluated by quantifying the total disaccharides found in the plasma following chondroitinase ABC digestion. Methods: Two separate studies were conducted. In study 1, ten adult horses received the following four treatments in a randomized crossover fashion: (1) i.v. LMWCS (3 g of 8 kDa), (2) p.o. LMWCS (3 g of 8 kDa), (3) i.v. LMWCS (3 g of 16.9 kDa) and (4) p.o. ...
Biotransformation of chlorzoxazone by hepatic microsomes from humans and ten other mammalian species.
Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition    April 1, 1997   Volume 18, Issue 3 213-226 doi: 10.1002/(sici)1099-081x(199704)18:3<213::aid-bdd15>;2-0
Court MH, Von Moltke LL, Shader RI, Greenblatt DJ.The 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone (CLZ) is currently being used in both in vivo and in vitro studies to quantify cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) activity in humans. Comparatively little is known with regard to the biotransformation of this drug in other species. The NADPH-dependent biotransformation of CLZ was therefore studied using hepatic microsomes derived from humans and ten other mammalian species. In all species, 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone (6OH-CLZ) was the only metabolic product that could be identified by HPLC with ultraviolet detection. Enzyme kinetic analysis was used to characterize th...
Pharmacokinetics and haematological parameters of recombinant human erythropoietin after subcutaneous administrations in horses.
Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition    December 1, 1996   Volume 17, Issue 9 805-815 doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-081X(199612)17:9<805::AID-BDD995>3.0.CO;2-H
Souillard A, Audran M, Bressolle F, Jaussaud P, Gareau R.The pharmacokinetics of recombinant human Epo (rHuEpo) were investigated after subcutaneous administration to horses. Four horses received a single 30IU kg-1 dose of rHuEpo. One horse received three repeated doses of 120 IU kg-1 at 48 h intervals. Plasma erythropoietin (Epo) was measured by radioimmunoassay. In both cases pharmacokinetic parameters were evaluated using a one-compartment open model and first-order input and output rates. The mean values (+/-SD) for elimination half-life, CL/F, and Vd/F after a single dose were 12.9 +/- 3.34 h, 11.8 +/- 4.96 L h-1, and 233 +/- 126 L, respectivel...