Hepatology : official journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

Liver Diseases
Williams & Wilkins,. [Philadelphia] : Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. (2023)
Frequency: Monthly
Country: United States
Language: English
Start Year:1981 -
0270-9139 (Print)
1527-3350 (Electronic)
0270-9139 (Linking)
Impact Factor
NLM ID:8302946
Classification:W1 HE912
Pathogenesis, MicroRNA-122 Gene-Regulation, and Protective Immune Responses After Acute Equine Hepacivirus Infection.
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)    June 11, 2021   Volume 74, Issue 3 1148-1163 doi: 10.1002/hep.31802
Tomlinson JE, Wolfisberg R, Fahnu00f8e U, Patel RS, Trivedi S, Kumar A, Sharma H, Nielsen L, McDonough SP, Bukh J, Tennant BC, Kapoor A, Rosenberg BR....Equine hepacivirus (EqHV) is phylogenetically the closest relative of HCV and shares genome organization, hepatotropism, transient or persistent infection outcome, and the ability to cause hepatitis. Thus, EqHV studies are important to understand equine liver disease and further as an outbred surrogate animal model for HCV pathogenesis and protective immune responses. Here, we aimed to characterize the course of EqHV infection and associated protective immune responses. Seven horses were experimentally inoculated with EqHV, monitored for 6 months, and rechallenged with the same and, subsequen...
Experimental transmission of equine hepacivirus in horses as a model for hepatitis C virus.
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)    February 24, 2015   Volume 61, Issue 5 1533-1546 doi: 10.1002/hep.27689
Ramsay JD, Evanoff R, Wilkinson TE, Divers TJ, Knowles DP, Mealey RH.Equine hepacivirus (EHCV; nonprimate hepacivirus) is a hepatotropic member of the Flaviviridae family that infects horses. Although EHCV is the closest known relative to hepatitis C virus (HCV), its complete replication kinetics in vivo have not been described, and direct evidence that it causes hepatitis has been lacking. In this study, we detected EHCV in 2 horses that developed post-transfusion hepatitis. Plasma and serum from these horses were used to experimentally transmit EHCV to 4 young adult Arabian horses, two 1-month-old foals (1 Arabian and 1 Arabian-pony cross), and 2 foals (1 Ara...