Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.].

Allergy and Immunology
Frequency: Monthly
Country: Switzerland
Language: English
European Histamine Research Society.
Start Year:1995 -
1023-3830 (Print)
1420-908X (Electronic)
1023-3830 (Linking)
Impact Factor
NLM ID:9508160
LCCN:sn 95039816
Classification:W1 AG33
The effect of tumour necrosis factor-α and insulin on equine digital blood vessel function in vitro.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    April 24, 2014   Volume 63, Issue 8 637-647 doi: 10.1007/s00011-014-0736-2
Menzies-Gow NJ, Wray H, Bailey SR, Harris PA, Elliott J.Insulin and inflammatory cytokines may be involved in equine laminitis, which might be associated with digital vascular dysfunction. This study determined the effects of TNF-α and insulin on the endothelial-dependent relaxant responses of equine digital blood vessels and on equine digital vein endothelial cell (EDVEC) cGMP production. Methods: Isolated rings of equine digital arteries (EDAs) and veins (EDVs) were obtained and EDVECs were cultured from horses euthanized at an abattoir. Methods: The effect of incubation with TNF-α (10 ng/ml) and/or insulin (1,000 μIU/ml) for 1.5 h or overn...
Endotoxin-induced HIF-1alpha stabilisation in equine endothelial cells: synergistic action with hypoxia.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    March 17, 2010   Volume 59, Issue 9 689-698 doi: 10.1007/s00011-010-0180-x
Brooks AC, Menzies-Gow N, Bailey SR, Cunningham FM, Elliott J.Hypoxia may enhance the deleterious effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the endotoxaemic horse. This study has examined some of the actions of LPS and hypoxia, alone and in combination, on cultured equine digital vein endothelial cells (EDVEC) and the signalling molecules involved. Methods: EDVEC were exposed to LPS, 5% O(2) and LPS then 5% O(2) for up to 24 h. HIF-1alpha stabilisation, neutrophil adhesion and EDVEC permeability were assessed by immunoblotting, measurement of myeloperoxidase and movement of FITC-dextran, respectively. Pharmacological inhibitors were used to assess the roles...
Equine CCL11 induces eosinophil cytoskeletal reorganization and activation.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    January 24, 2006   Volume 55, Issue 1 46-52 doi: 10.1007/s00011-005-0007-3
Weston MC, Collins ME, Cunningham FM.To assess the biological effects of purified recombinant equine CCL11 on equine eosinophil function. Methods: Following stimulation of eosinophils from normal horses, the polymerised form of actin was measured by flow cytometry using fluorescently labelled phalloidin. Migration was determined in a 96 well plate chemotaxis assay using 8 microm pore membranes, and adherence of eosinophils to serum-coated plastic was assessed using a colorimetric assay for eosinophil peroxidase. Superoxide generation was measured by the reduction of cytochrome C in a colorimetric assay. Results: Equine CCL11 indu...
The role of protein kinase C in regulating equine eosinophil adherence and superoxide production.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    May 11, 2005   Volume 54, Issue 3 97-105 doi: 10.1007/s00011-004-1329-2
Sepulveda MF, Greenaway EC, Avella M, Goode NT, Cunningham FM.To determine if protein kinase C (PKC) regulates equine eosinophil function. Methods: Blood eosinophils were obtained from healthy ponies. Methods: IL-5- and histamine-induced adherence to serum-coated plastic was measured as the eosinophil peroxidase content of adherent cells and serum treated zymosan (STZ)-and IL-5-induced superoxide production by the reduction of cytochrome C. Eosinophil PKC activity was quantitated as the rate of transfer of (32)P from ATP to substrate. The effects of Ro31-8220 (isotype non-selective PKC inhibitor), Go6976 (conventional PKC inhibitor), and rottlerin (PKCde...
Dose-dependent effects of corticosteroids on the expression of matrix-related genes in normal and cytokine-treated articular chondrocytes.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    March 1, 2003   Volume 52, Issue 1 39-49 doi: 10.1007/s000110300012
Richardson DW, Dodge GR.To assess the effects of glucocorticoids on the expression of multiple matrix-related genes in normal and cytokine-treated cultured equine articular chondrocytes in a phenotypically correct suspension culture. Methods: Articular cartilage harvested from the joints of 15 foals, 7 yearling horses, and 16 adult horses. Methods: Glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, prednisolone, triamcinolone) at 10(-10) to 10(-4) M. Methods: Equine articular chondrocytes maintained in suspension cultures were treated with glucocorticoids with and without human recombinant interleukin 1-beta (IL1-beta) and tumor necros...
Adherence of eosinophils from allergic and normal ponies to cultured equine endothelial cells.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    March 10, 2001   Volume 50, Issue 1 32-38 doi: 10.1007/s000110050721
Bailey SR, Cunningham FM.To compare adherence of stimulated and unstimulated eosinophils from allergic and normal ponies to cultured equine vascular endothelial cells (equine digital vein endothelial cells; EDVEC) and examine the effect of eosinophil-derived factor(s) on cell adherence. Methods: Eosinophil adherence to unstimulated EDVEC or EDVEC pretreated with IL-1beta or supernatants from stimulated eosinophils was measured. Supernatants were also assayed for TNFalpha and IL-1beta-like bioactivity. Results: Adherence of unstimulated and rhIL-5 (10 ng/ml)-stimulated eosinophils from allergic ponies to rhIL-1beta-tre...
Differential activation of platelets from normal and allergic ponies by PAF and ADP.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    July 13, 2000   Volume 49, Issue 5 224-230 doi: 10.1007/s000110050583
Bailey SR, Andrews MJ, Elliott J, Cunningham FM.Altered platelet responsiveness has been demonstrated in human atopic dermatitis. This study has compared the in vitro function of platelets from normal ponies and those with the allergic skin disease, sweet itch. Methods: Ponies with a clinical history of sweet itch and normal ponies were used as blood donors. Methods: PAF and ADP-induced platelet aggregation was measured and TxB2 production quantitated at the time of maximal aggregation; 12-HETE was additionally measured in some samples. Agonist-induced release of 3[H]5-HT was also studied. Results: Although both PAF and ADP caused equine pl...
Actions of PAF receptor antagonists in horses with the allergic skin disease sweet itch.
Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]    October 1, 1995   Volume 44, Issue 10 412-417 doi: 10.1007/BF01757697
Foster AP, Lees P, Cunningham FM.Platelet activating factor (PAF) mimics the effects of Culicoides antigen by inducing oedema and inflammatory cell accumulation in the dermis of horses with the allergic skin disease, sweet itch. PAF could therefore contribute to antigen-induced inflammatory changes in these horses. We now report that intravenous administration of the PAF receptor antagonist WEB 2086 (3 mg kg-1), at a dose that inhibited the vascular and cellular responses to PAF in sweet itch horses, reduced Culicoides antigen-induced oedema at 1 h by 73% and at 8 h by 71% (p < 0.05). Neutrophil accumulation and eosinophil...