Computational and structural biotechnology journal.

Computational Biology
Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology. Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology
Country: Netherlands
Language: English
Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology.
Start Year:2012 -
2001-0370 (Electronic)
2001-0370 (Linking)
Impact Factor
NLM ID:101585369
Changes in novel anti-infalmmatory cytokine concetration in the bood of endurance and race horses at different levels of training.
Computational and structural biotechnology journal    December 13, 2022   Volume 21 418-424 doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2022.12.016
Plisak U, Szczepaniak J, u017bmigrodzka M, Giercuszkiewicz-Hecold B, Witkowska-Piu0142aszewicz O.Several anti-inflammatory cytokines have been proposed as markers for exercise monitoring in humans such as the interleukin 1 receptor agonist (IL-ra), or interleukin 13 (IL-13). Equine athletes may be considered a model for human exercise physiology research, however there is a lack of such studies of this species. Thus, we decided to examine the changes of IL-1ra and IL-13 in serum concentration during aerobic (endurance) and anaerobic (race) exercise in horses of different fitness levels in comparison with the well-known anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 10 (IL-10). The group of endura...
High-throughput sequencing technologies in the detection of livestock pathogens, diagnosis, and zoonotic surveillance.
Computational and structural biotechnology journal    September 26, 2022   Volume 20 5378-5392 doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2022.09.028
Suminda GGD, Bhandari S, Won Y, Goutam U, Kanth Pulicherla K, Son YO, Ghosh M.Increasing globalization, agricultural intensification, urbanization, and climatic changes have resulted in a significant recent increase in emerging infectious zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are becoming more common, so innovative, effective, and integrative research is required to better understand their transmission, ecological implications, and dynamics at wildlife-human interfaces. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) methodologies have enormous potential for unraveling these contingencies and improving our understanding, but they are only now beginning to be realized in livestock resea...
The ecogenomics of dsDNA bacteriophages in feces of stabled and feral horses.
Computational and structural biotechnology journal    November 10, 2020   Volume 18 3457-3467 doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2020.10.036
Babenko VV, Millard A, Kulikov EE, Spasskaya NN, Letarova MA, Konanov DN, Belalov IS, Letarov AV.The viromes of the mammalian lower gut were shown to be heavily dominated by bacteriophages; however, only for humans were the composition and intervariability of the bacteriophage communities studied in depth. Here we present an ecogenomics survey of dsDNA bacteriophage diversity in the feces of horses (), comparing two groups of stabled horses, and a further group of feral horses that were isolated on an island. Our results indicate that the dsDNA viromes of the horse feces feature higher richness than in human viromes, with more even distribution of genotypes. No over-represented phage geno...
Reviewing and identifying amino acids of human, murine, canine and equine TLR4 / MD-2 receptor complexes conferring endotoxic innate immunity activation by LPS/lipid A, or antagonistic effects by Eritoran, in contrast to species-dependent modulation by lipid IVa.
Computational and structural biotechnology journal    April 5, 2013   Volume 5 e201302012 doi: 10.5936/csbj.201302012
Scior T, Alexander C, Zaehringer U.There is literature evidence gathered throughout the last two decades reflecting unexpected species differences concerning the immune response to lipid IVa which provides the opportunity to gain more detailed insight by the molecular modeling approach described in this study. Lipid IVa is a tetra-acylated precursor of lipid A in the biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Gram-negative bacteria. Lipid A of the prototypic E. coli-type is a hexa-acylated structure that acts as an agonist in all tested mammalian species by innate immunorecognition via the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/myeloid d...