Reproductive biology.
Polish Society for Biology of Reproduction,. Olsztyn, Poland : Elsevier Urban & Partner (2013)
Frequency: Three no. a year.
Country: Poland
Language: English
Towarzystwo Biologii Rozrodu.
Start Year:2001 -
1642-431X (Print)
2300-732X (Electronic)
1642-431X (Linking)
2300-732X (Electronic)
1642-431X (Linking)
Impact Factor
NLM ID: | 101160559 |
(OCoLC): | 52471071 |
LCCN: | 2003243294 |
Classification: | W1 RE213LS |
Ethanol, Carnoy, and paraformaldehyde as fixative solutions for histological evaluation of preantral follicles in equine ovarian tissue. The most adequate fixative solution for equine ovarian tissue is still to be determined as a tool to evaluate the improvement of methodological studies in assisted reproductive techniques and fertility preservation. This study aimed to evaluate a short-time ethanol 70% (ST-EtOH, 45Â min) exposure as an alternative fixative compared with two classically fixatives [Carnoy's (CAR) solution and paraformaldehyde 4% (PFA)] at different fixation times (6Â h, 12Â h). The end points evaluated were morphology and classes of preantral follicles, follicular and stromal cell densities, and follicular and o...
Emergence and selection of the dominant follicle and gonadotropin dynamics in postpartum lactating versus non-postpartum cycling mares. Among female livestock, the mare has the shortest interval from parturition to first ovulation. Due to the scarcity of research on postpartum mares, little progress has been made on the characterization of the resumption of ovarian cyclicity after parturition. This study compared follicular and gonadotropin dynamics during follicle emergence and deviation in postpartum lactating (PP Lactating) versus non-postpartum cycling (N-PP Cycling) mares. On the day of parturition, every PP Lactating mare was paired with a N-PP Cycling mare. Comparisons were made by considering the partum-ovulation inter...
Identification of genes associated with susceptibility to persistent breeding-induced endometritis by RNA-sequencing of uterine cytobrush samples. This study aimed to investigate the susceptibility to persistent breeding-induced endometritis (PBIE). Cytobrush samples were collected from 81 broodmares 1-3 days before artificial insemination (AI). Susceptibility to PBIE was evaluated by the presence of ≥ 2 cm of intrauterine fluid 24 h after AI, besides the fertility was determined by a sonographic pregnancy diagnosis 2 weeks after ovulation. RNA expressions were compared between susceptible non-pregnant (SNP) mares (n=9) and resistant pregnant (RP) mares (n=9) as well as between susceptible pregnant (SP) mares (n=9) and susceptible non-...
Evaluation of diagnostic methods in equine endometritis. This review suggests a classification for uterine diseases of mares. Information is presented on the prevalence of endometritis in the past and at present. The review describes uterine sampling techniques for mares: swabbing, cytobrushing, low volume lavage and biopsy. The performance of culture, cytology and histology and threshold values is discussed. Correlations between different diagnostic methods and fertility are presented, as well as specificities, sensitivities and positive and negative predictive values of the diagnostic methods. The necessity for double-guarded techniques is emphasi...
Our current understanding of the pathophysiology of equine endometritis with an emphasis on breeding-induced endometritis. Equine endometritis is characterized by the expression of pro- and anti- inflammatory cytokines and an influx of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) into the uterus. Mares resistant to persistent endometritis clear the inflammation within 24-36 h after exposure to microorganisms or semen. These mares have a rapid increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines and an upregulation of inflammatory modulating cytokines within 6h after exposure to inflammatory challenge. In conjunction with effective uterine contractions, these events are believed to be responsible for the transient nature of the inflamma...
Lactoferrin expression and secretion in the stallion epididymis. Lactoferrin is one of the most abundant proteins secreted by the stallion epididymis, but its cellular localization and regulation remain unknown. This study was designed to address the following objectives: (1) identify the epididymal cell types producing lactoferrin in pre-pubertal, peri-pubertal and post-pubertal animals; (2) demonstrate that lactoferrin binds to stallion sperm; and (3) determine if testosterone and estradiol regulate lactoferrin secretion in vitro. Using an immunohistochemical method, lactoferrin was localized in the cytoplasm of principal cells in the corpus and cauda of ...
The effect of radio electric asymmetric conveyer treatment on sperm parameters of subfertile stallions: a pilot study. The Radio Electric Asymmetric Conveyer (REAC) has been mostly applied to treat symptoms related to psychological stress. In the study, we demonstrated the effect of REAC-Veterinary Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization (VNPPO) treatment protocol on sperm parameters of subfertile (n=11) and fertile (n=4) stallions. Subfertile stallions showed a reduced sperm concentration, progressive motility and normal morphology compared to fertile stallions. An increase in progressive sperm motility and quality of sperm morphology was found in subfertile stallions after the REAC-VNPPO treatment. The positive e...
The additional N-glycosylation site of the equine LH/CG receptor is not responsible for the limited cyclic AMP pathway activation by equine chorionic gonadotropin relative to luteinizing hormone. In order to investigate the role of the unique seventh N23-glycosylation site of the equine LH/CG receptor (eLHCGR) in the cAMP pathway activation, COS-7 cells were transiently transfected with either the wild-type or the mutant eLHCGR(N23Q) cDNA and challenged with porcine LH and eCG for cAMP production. We showed that the N23-glycosylation site of the eLHCGR is not required for the functional coupling of the receptor with the cAMP pathway and is not responsible for the limited potency of eCG relative to pLH to activate this receptor.
Purification and partial characterization of proteinase inhibitors of equine seminal plasma. The aims of the study were: 1/ to isolate and identify equine seminal plasma proteinase inhibitors, 2/ to evaluate their inhibitory potential, and 3/ to test a correlation between protein concentration in seminal plasma supernatant (obtained after precipitation with 36% ammonium sulfate) and stallion sexual maturity. Seminal plasma proteins obtained from six stallions were chromatographed in a Superose 12 (FPLC system) column followed by C(18) HPLC reverse-phase. Inhibition of trypsin amidase activity was evaluated in the collected fractions. Active proteins with a molecular mass of 6.3-7.0 KD...
Hormonal status of male reproductive system: androgens and estrogens in the testis and epididymis. In vivo and in vitro approaches. The purpose of this article was to summarize our results on the role of androgens and estrogens in human, rodent and equine testes and epididymides, in both, physiological and patological conditions, obtained in the space of the Solicited Project (084/PO6/2002) financially supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research during the last three years. Testosterone produced by Leydig cells of the testes is clearly the major androgen in the circulation of men and adult males of most mammalian species. However, androgen metabolites make up a significant fraction of total circulating steroid...