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0140-6736 (Print)
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0140-6736 (Linking)
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NLM ID:341181
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Realities of rodeo.
Lancet (London, England)    December 31, 2003   Volume 362 Suppl s52-s53 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(03)15077-5
Thor J.No abstract available
Vero-cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 in a farmer handling horses.
Lancet (London, England)    June 21, 1997   Volume 349, Issue 9068 1816 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(05)61697-2
Chalmers RM, Salmon RL, Willshaw GA, Cheasty T, Looker N, Davies I, Wray C.No abstract available
Fatal encephalitis due to novel paramyxovirus transmitted from horses.
Lancet (London, England)    January 11, 1997   Volume 349, Issue 9045 93-95 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(96)06162-4
O'Sullivan JD, Allworth AM, Paterson DL, Snow TM, Boots R, Gleeson LJ, Gould AR, Hyatt AD, Bradfield J.In September, 1994, an outbreak of severe respiratory disease affected 18 horses, their trainer, and a stablehand in Queensland, Australia. Fourteen horses and one human being died. A novel virus was isolated from those affected and named equine morbillivirus (EMV). We report a case of encephalitis caused by this virus. Results: A 35-year-old man from Queensland had a brief aseptic meningitic illness in August, 1994, shortly after caring for two horses that died from EMV infection and then assisting at their necropsies. He then suffered severe encephalitis 13 months later, characterised by unc...
Is it time to ban all antibiotics as animal growth-promoting agents?
Lancet (London, England)    November 23, 1996   Volume 348, Issue 9039 1454-1456 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(04)70103-8
Mudd AJ.No abstract available
Re-emergence of epidemic Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis in South America. VEE Study Group.
Lancet (London, England)    August 17, 1996   Volume 348, Issue 9025 436-440 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(96)02275-1
Weaver SC, Salas R, Rico-Hesse R, Ludwig GV, Oberste MS, Boshell J, Tesh RB.Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus has caused periodic epidemics among human beings and equines in Latin America from the 1920s to the early 1970s. The first major outbreak since 1973 occurred in Venezuela and Colombia during 1995, and involved an estimated 75,000 to 100,000 people. We report an epidemiological and virological investigation of this epidemic. Methods: Virus isolates were made in cell culture from human serum, human throat swabs, and brain tissue from aborted and stillborn human fetuses, as well as from horse brain tissue and pooled mosquito collections. Human sera ...
Safety of equine rabies immune globulin.
Lancet (London, England)    November 28, 1987   Volume 2, Issue 8570 1275 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(87)91885-x
Wilde H, Chomchey P, Prakongsri S, Punyaratabandhu P.No abstract available
Antibodies to Haemophilus equigenitalis in patients with urethritis.
Lancet (London, England)    August 9, 1980   Volume 2, Issue 8189 310-311 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(80)90251-2
Mu00e5rdh PA, Holst E, Taylor-Robinson D, Taylor CE, Rosenthal RO.No abstract available
Serum equilin and conjugated equine oestrogens.
Lancet (London, England)    March 8, 1980   Volume 1, Issue 8167 547-548 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(80)92808-1
Woolever CA, Bhavnani BR.No abstract available
Serological response of patients with non-gonococcal urethritis to causative organism of contagious equine metritis 1977.
Lancet (London, England)    March 31, 1979   Volume 1, Issue 8118 700-701 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(79)91150-4
Taylor CE, Rosenthal RO, Taylor-Robinson D.The presence of allugtinins to the causative organism of contagious equine metritis (C.E.M.) in human serum has been confirmed. Agglutinins were found in the serum of 84 (37.6%) of 223 patients with non-gonococcal urethritis (N.G.U.), and in 12.5% of these patients there was a four-fold or greater rise in titre during the course of their illness. There was no evidence that these agglutinins were the result of infection by chlamydiae or ureaplasmas. Certain patients with these agglutinins seemed to respond better to therapy with antibiotics to which the C.E.M. bacterium is susceptible in vitro ...
Dipyridamole and platelet function.
Lancet (London, England)    December 9, 1978   Volume 2, Issue 8102 1257-1259 
No abstract available
Organism of contagious equine metritis 1977 and human venereal disease.
Lancet (London, England)    November 18, 1978   Volume 2, Issue 8099 1092-1093 
No abstract available
Agglutinins to causative organism of contagious equine metritis 1977 in human serum.
Lancet (London, England)    June 10, 1978   Volume 1, Issue 8076 1266 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(78)92507-2
Smith JE, Young CR.No abstract available
Contagious equine metritis 1977.
Lancet (London, England)    May 13, 1978   Volume 1, Issue 8072 1028 
No abstract available
Intrathecal antitetanus serum (horse) in the treatment of tetanus.
Lancet (London, England)    May 7, 1977   Volume 1, Issue 8019 974-977 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(77)92278-4
Sanders RK, Martyn B, Joseph R, Peacock ML.In a two-year study of 322 conservatively treated, consecutive cases of tetanus in a rural hospital (all over twelve months old), intrathecal administration of 200 units of antitetanus serum (A.T.S.) (horse) reduced the overall mortality of 4-5% (5/110) compared with 14-5% (16/111) in the control series. 200 units intrathecal A.T.S. (horse) gave better results than 1500 units A.T.S. (horse). The results with lumbar and cisternal administration did not differ. It is suggested that tetanus is a polysystemic condition requiring polysystemic therapy. A regimen in which intrathecal A.T.S. is given ...
Letter: Brain damage in jockeys.
Lancet (London, England)    June 5, 1976   Volume 1, Issue 7971 1241 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(76)92188-7
d'Abreu F.This research article discusses brain injuries in jockeys, particularly in horse racing. The author recounts the preventive measures taken by the Jockey Club and the Betting Levy Board to protect […]
Coronavirus and gastroenteritis in foals.
Lancet (London, England)    October 25, 1975   Volume 2, Issue 7939 822 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(75)80058-4
Bass EP, Sharpee RL.No abstract available
Double-blind trial of equine antitoxin and human immune globulin in tetanus neonatorum.
Lancet (London, England)    June 5, 1971   Volume 1, Issue 7710 1146-1149 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(71)91659-x
McCracken GH, Dowell DL, Marshall FN.No abstract available
Induction of tolerance in man to horse-IgG.
Lancet (London, England)    November 22, 1969   Volume 2, Issue 7630 1141-1142 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(69)90744-2
Brendel W, Land W, Hopf U, Seifert J.No abstract available
Primary immune response in cultures of spleen cells.
Lancet (London, England)    December 16, 1967   Volume 2, Issue 7529 1279-1281 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(67)90393-5
Marbrook J.No abstract available
A convulsive syndrome in newborn foals resembling pulmonary syndrome in the newborn infant.
Lancet (London, England)    June 13, 1959   Volume 1, Issue 7085 1223-1225 doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(59)90898-0
MAHAFFEY LW, ROSSDALE PD.No abstract available
The eosinophil cell; studies in horse and camel.
Lancet (London, England)    September 18, 1948   Volume 2, Issue 6525 451 
DURAN-JORDA F.This research article investigates the significance of eosinophil cells in horses and camels, focusing on the large granules found in these cells and their similarities to smaller red blood cells. […]