Meuffels-Barkas J, Wilsher S, Allen WRT, Ververs C, Lueders I.Recent loss of rhinoceros subspecies has renewed interest in using more advanced assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in rhinoceroses and elephants. Currently, only semen collection, semen preservation and artificial insemination (AI) have been used repeatedly with success in these species. Although ovum pick-up (OPU) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) have been reported in rhinoceroses, the techniques are not yet optimised. In contrast, multiple ART applications are routinely used in the horse. Since elephant and rhinoceroses share some reproductive features with equids, we post...
Ramu00edrez-Agu00e1mez L, Hernu00e1ndez-Avilu00e9s C, Ortu00edz I, Love CC, Varner DD, Hinrichs K.Equine spermatozoa appear to differ from spermatozoa of other species in using oxidative phosphorylation preferentially over glycolysis. However, there is little information regarding effects of different energy sources on measured parameters in equine spermatozoa. Objective: To determine the effect of three individual energy substrates, glucose, pyruvate, and lactate, on motion characteristics, membrane integrity, and acrosomal status of stallion spermatozoa. Methods: Freshly ejaculated stallion spermatozoa were incubated with combinations of glucose (5Â mm), pyruvate (10Â mm), and lactate (1...
Gonu00e7alves AR, Telo da Gama L, Antunes L, Guimaru00e3es H, Bliebernicht M, Duarte JC, Cosinha C, Duarte Rego B, Ferro da Costa P, Guimaru00e3es T....The objectives of this study were to establish baseline information for seminal traits in Lusitano stallions, to assess the impact of inbreeding, interval between collections and age on semen quality during the breeding and non-breeding seasons, and to estimate the corresponding genetic parameters. A total of 2129 ejaculates by 146 Lusitano stallions used for artificial insemination, obtained from four equine reproduction centers distributed throughout Portugal, over a period of 14 years (2008-2021), were included in the study. The seminal traits analyzed, and the corresponding means and stand...
Roe H, Macpherson M, Denagamage T, Hopper S, Woodie B, Embertson R.Mare and foal survival are increased with prompt dystocia management. Data regarding mortality outcomes in mares and foals, when mares are recumbent at admission for dystocia resolution, are scarce. Objective: To evaluate recumbency at hospital admission as a risk factor for survival of mares and foals following dystocia management. Subsequent mare fertility was also evaluated. Methods: Retrospective cohort. Methods: Data were obtained from medical records at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital of mares with dystocia between 1995 and 2018. Mare signalment, ambulation status, survival data and foal...
Miller LMJ, Woodward EM, Campos JR, Squires EL, Troedsson MHT.Sperm protein at 22Â kDa has been associated with fertility. Objective: The objectives of this study were to determine (1) the localization pattern of SP22 on ejaculated and caudal epididymal equine spermatozoa and in epididymal fluid, and to (2) characterize SP22 protein and mRNA expression in testicular and epididymal tissues in response to heat-induced testicular degeneration. Methods: Semen was collected before and after hemi-castration, as well as prior to and following insulation of the remaining testes, and tissue specimens were collected for analysis. Results: Histopathology confirmed ...
Pascottini OB, Aurich C, England G, Grahofer A.Endometritis is a leading cause of sub- and infertility in domestic animal species. The healthy uterus is colonized by commensal bacteria, viruses and yeast/fungi that represent the nonpathogenic microbiota. A shift in the number or type of organisms accompanied by immune dysfunction, however, may trigger uterine infection and inflammation. Metritis is associated with inflammation of all uterine layers (endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium), whereas endometritis is a more superficial inflammation involving solely the endometrium. Endometritis generally occurs at two time points in domestic ...
Harris IT, Maddock C, Farnworth M, Nankervis K, Perrett J, Pyatt AZ, Blanchard RN.Adverse trends in reproductive function are a concern in humans, companion, livestock, and wildlife species. This study indicates that equine populations are at risk of a comparable decline in sperm progressive motility. There is increasing evidence reporting geographically sensitive adverse trends in human semen quality, with parallel trends observed in the dog sentinel. Despite significant economic and welfare complications associated with poor testicular function, trends in current equine populations are undetermined. Given the predictive value of sperm progressive motility (PMOT) in male f...
Contreras MJ, Arias ME, Fuentes F, Muu00f1oz E, Bernecic N, Fair S, Felmer R.Cryopreservation of stallion semen does not achieve the post-thaw quality or fertility results observed in other species like cattle. There are many reasons for this, but the membrane composition and intracellular changes in stallion sperm predispose them to low resistance to the cooling, freezing, and subsequent thawing process. Damage to the sperm results from different processes activated during cryopreservation, including oxidative stress, apoptosis, and structural modifications in the sperm membrane that increase the deleterious effect on sperm. In addition, significant individual variabi...
Alpoim-Moreira J, Szu00f3stek-Mioduchowska A, Su0142yszewska M, Rebordu00e3o MR, Skarzynski DJ, Ferreira-Dias G.Endometrosis negatively affects endometrial function and fertility in mares, due to excessive deposition of type I (COL1) and type III (COL3) collagens. The pro-fibrotic transforming growth factor (TGF-β1) induces myofibroblast differentiation, characterized by α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) expression, and collagen synthesis. In humans, fibrosis has been linked to epigenetic mechanisms. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been described in mare endometrium. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the in vitro epigenetic regulation in TGF-β1-treated mare endometrial fibroblasts an...
Medica AJ, Lambourne S, Aitken RJ.This study aimed to determine whether an analysis of stallion ejaculate could accurately predict the likelihood of pregnancy resulting from artificial insemination in mares. This study involved 46 inseminations of 41 mares, using 7 standardbred stallions over a 5-week period at an Australian pacing stud. Semen quality was assessed immediately after collection and again after chilling at ~5 °C for 24 h. The assessment involved evaluating ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and motility parameters using an iSperm Equine portable device. After the initial evaluation, a subpopulation of cells ...
de Moura TCM, Arruda LCP, Cahu00fa TB, Bezerra RS, Carneiro GF, Guerra MMP.Semen cryopreservation ensures the storage of stallion genetics for an unlimited time. The improvement of extenders with new antioxidant substances can optimize the properties of post-thawed semen. The study aimed to investigate the addition effect of medium-molecular-weight carboxymethylchitosan (CQm) derivates to freezing diluent of stallion sperm after freezinf/thawing. Twice a week, five ejaculates of four stallions were obtained, totalizing 20 ejaculates. Semen was diluted in commercial freezing extender (Botucrio) supplemented with CQm: control (0), 0.75, 1.5, and 3Â mg/mL. Samples were ...
Scarlet D, Malama E, Fischer S, Knutti B, Bollwein H.Persistent breeding-induced endometritis (PBIE) is a major cause of subfertility in horses and the susceptibility is increased by several factors. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of clinical uterine findings and PBIE therapies, respectively, on pregnancy rate in mares. The analysis included records from 220 mares (390 cycles) inseminated at an artificial insemination (AI) center in Switzerland. Gynecological examinations were performed repeatedly before and after AI to determine cervical tone, uterine edema, and intrauterine fluid accumulation. Pregnancy rate was lower ( 0....
Silva GF, Cunha R, Carvalho F, Ribeiro M, Rocha A, Amorim I, Guimaru00e3es T.A 30-year-old Lusitano stallion presented with an enlarged right epididymis. The ultrasound scan revealed a cyst-like formation and the histopathological examination was compatible with epididymal cyst located at the body/tail transition, epididymal spermatocele and sperm granuloma and epididymitis. However, these conditions did not seem to affect the animal's reproductive performance, nor did the semen parameters analyzed over the 8 years after the diagnosis show significant changes. Nevertheless, since the ejaculate contains mostly sperm cells from the tail of the epididymis, where fertile s...
Ginther OJ.Examples of research discoveries and first reports on mare reproduction by the O.J. Ginther team are (1) determined daily circulating concentrations of four hormones during the estrous cycle, (2) showed that mares can be induced to ovulate and superovulate by hormone treatment during both ovulatory and anovulatory seasons, (3) demonstrated that prostaglandin F2α was the luteolysin in mares, (4) described the mare's elaborate hormonal and biochemical mechanism for selecting the ovulatory follicle from a pool of like follicles, (5) developed the method for diagnosing fetal sex by Day 60 using l...
Jhamb D, Talluri TR, Sharma S, Juneja R, Nirwan SS, Yadav D, Pargi KK, Tanwar A, Kumar P, Kumar R, Mehta SC, Parashar M, Gaur M.Cryopreservation of stallion semen is often associated with poor post-thaw sperm quality. One of the reason for this diminished quality is osmotic stress that spermatozoa experiences during freezing and thawing process. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cryoprotective effect of trehalose on stallion sperm quality and field fertility rates subjected to cooling and freeze-thawing process. Semen samples were collected from six Marwari breed stallions, divided into three different treatments in a final concentration of 150 × 10 sperm/mL by using Lactose based extender containing ...
McCue PM, Matthews PM, Prell MJ, Bellone RR, Allen H.Genetic testing is required for the registration of foals of most equine breeds. Objective: To describe two clinical cases of marked delayed embryonic development or delayed fertilisation in pregnancies generated by embryo transfer. Methods: Case report. Methods: Donor mares were inseminated with semen from one stallion during one oestrous cycle and semen from a different stallion on the subsequent oestrous cycle. Embryo(s) were collected 8 days after ovulation during the second oestrous cycle and transferred into synchronised recipient mares. Genetic testing was performed to determine paren...
Hernu00e1ndez-Avilu00e9s C, Ramu00edrez-Agu00e1mez L, Pearson M, Beckham AMN, Varner DD, Love CC.Analysis of sperm morphology is an important part of the stallion breeding soundness evaluation since it provides an objective measure of a stallion's sperm quality and is one of many factors that estimate a stallion's fertility potential. To describe the effect of sperm quality level on the technique (Differential Interference Contrast - DIC; Phase-contrast - PH; Dip-Quick staining - DQ; and eosin-nigrosin staining - EN; semen samples fixed in buffered-formal saline) and evaluator (three evaluators; using only DIC), stallions were categorized based on sperm quality into three categories: High...
Persistent post-breeding induced endometritis (PPBIE) is considered a major cause of subfertility in mares. It consists of persistent or delayed uterine inflammation in susceptible mares. There are many options for the treatment of PPBIE, but in this study, a novel approach aimed at preventing the onset of PPBIE was investigated. Stallion semen was supplemented with extracellular vesicles derived from amniotic mesenchymal stromal cells (AMSC-EVs) at the time of insemination to prevent or limit the development of PPBIE. Before use in mares, a dose-response curve was produced to evaluate the eff...
Ghallab RS, El-Beskawy M, El-Shereif AA, Rashad AMA, Elbehiry MA.Equine endometritis is one of the most common causes of reproduction failure. To achieve better treatment outcomes, different diagnostic methods should be combined. In the current study, 39 repeat breeder mares were subjected to ultrasonography examination to detect excessive accumulation of intrauterine fluids and an abnormal oedema pattern, which revealed that 61.5% of mares were positive. Combined with endometrial cytology by low-volume uterine flush, 47.7% of smears contain neutrophils (more than 2-3 per HPF X100), and microbial culture. 92.3% of mares were infected with different bacteria...
Al-Kass Z, Ntallaris T, Morrell JM, Johannisson A.Although previous studies have examined the relationship between the sperm DNA fragmentation index and fertility in stallions, other aspects of chromatin structure or packaging and fertility have not been explored. In the present study, relationships between fertility and DNA fragmentation index, protamine deficiency, total thiols, free thiols and disulfide bonds in stallion spermatozoa were investigated. Ejaculates (n = 36) were collected from 12 stallions and extended to prepare semen doses for insemination. One dose from each ejaculate was sent to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sc...
Fanelli D, Moroni R, Bocci C, Camillo F, Rota A, Panzani D.Horses and donkeys differ phenotypically and karyotypically, although they can interbreed freely. Eight Standardbred mares and nine Amiata donkey jennies were included in the study. Semen was collected from two horses and two donkey stallions of proven fertility. A first pregnancy diagnosis was performed on day 10 after ovulation and repeated every day until embryo detection or until day 16. Irrespectively of the sire species, pregnancy rates in horse females (20/30, 66.7%) were significantly higher than in donkey females (19/70, 27.1%) ( < 0.05), while horse and donkey males did not affect...
Demyda-Peyru00e1s S, Laseca N, Anaya G, Kij-Mitka B, Molina A, Karlau A, Valera M.Chromosomal abnormalities are largely associated with fertility impairments in the domestic horse. To date, over 600 cases of individuals carrying abnormal chromosome complements have been reported, making the domestic horse the species with the highest prevalence. However, studies analyzing the prevalence of chromosomal diseases in whole populations are scarce. We, therefore, employed a two-step molecular tool to screen and diagnose chromosomal abnormalities in a large population of 25,237 Pura Raza Español horses. Individuals were first screened using short tandem repeats parentage testing ...
Gutiu00e9rrez-Cepeda L, Crespo F, Blazquez JC, Serres C.The Purebred Spanish Horse, according to our clinical experience, is characterized by having a high number of stallions that do not meet the international commercial recommendations for equine-sperm cryopreservation. This means that artificial insemination with frozen semen from these stallions is less widespread than in other breeds. In this study, we investigated if the incorporation of single-layer colloidal centrifugation prior to cryopreservation in clinical conditions could increase the number of ejaculates of Purebred Spanish stallions suitable for this processing, observing the influen...
Akkus T, Korkmaz u00d6, Emre B, Zonturlu AK, Yaprakci u00d6.This study was carried out to determine the time-dependent changes in the ultrasonographic image of the ovary with computer-assisted analysis programs at certain intervals after ovulation and to determine whether computer-assisted analysis programs and ovulation programs can be managed in cases where the ovulation time is unknown. The study included 40 purebred Arab mares. The study was subdivided into 4 different time periods of 6 (Group 1), 12 (Group 2), 18 (Group 3) and 24 (Group 4) hours following ovulation. In addition, after ovulation and ultrasonographic examination, natural inseminatio...
Aitken RJ, Lambourne S, Medica AJ.A capacity to predict the likelihood of pregnancy following natural matings would be of considerable benefit to the Thoroughbred horse breeding industry. In this article, we describe a strategy for achieving this outcome through the analysis of dismount samples, that achieved an overall accuracy of 94.6%. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the analysis of dismount semen samples from Thoroughbred stallions could be used to predict whether a given mating would result in a pregnancy. The analysis was based on 143 matings of 141 mares by a cohort of 7 Thoroughbred stallions over a ...
Halo M, Tirpu00e1k F, Slanina T, Toku00e1rovu00e1 K, Massu00e1nyi M, Dianovu00e1 L, Mlynekovu00e1 E, Greu0144 A, Halo M, Massu00e1nyi P.This study was aimed to determine the impact of different taurine and caffeine combinations on the motility, viability, and oxidative markers of chilled stallion spermatozoa. Each stallion semen sample was diluted in a ratio of 1:2, with various taurine and caffeine concentrations (2.5-7.5 mg/mL taurine + 0.625-1.25 mg/mL caffeine) dissolved in a conventional extender. The control samples (CON) were prepared by diluting ejaculate only using the conventional extender. The motility was analyzed using a CASA system at different time intervals (0, 6, 12, 24, and 30 h) and the viability was evaluat...
Donato GG, Appino S, Bertero A, Poletto ML, Nebbia P, Robino P, Varello K, Bozzetta E, Vincenti L, Nervo T.Mares' subfertility represents a complex diagnostic and therapeutic challenge and both clinical and subclinical endometritis are considered major causes of impaired fertility. Thanks to its properties, ozone has a big potential as a treatment for equine endometritis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe the safety and the effects on endometrium and reproductive parameters of mares of a commercial ozone foam preparation (Riger Spray®). Twenty-four mares were treated during estrus: ozone group with an intrauterine instillation of ozone foam preparation (OG, n=16) and control group wi...
The Kushum breed is one of the top breeds in the structure of horse breeds in the Aktobe region. In terms of numbers, it ranks third after the Kazakh and Mugalzhar breeds. The Kushum breed in the Aktobe region compares favorably with a number of horse-draft factory breeds in terms of early maturity, fertility, high meat, milk productivity, and economy of keeping. This article describes a new intra-breed type, the "Mamyr-Aktobe" type of the Kushum horse breed of the Aktobe population. The structure of the intra-breed type of Mamyr-Aktobe of the Kushum breed includes three factory lines of stall...
Shen Y, Ulaangerel T, Ren H, Davshilt T, Yi M, Li X, Xing J, Du M, Bai D, Dugarjav M, Bou G.The follicular fluid and oviduct fluid play major roles in oocyte maturation, sperm activation, and fertilization. To better understand the physiological environments for equine oocyte maturation and fertilization, here we conducted the proteome analysis and comparison on follicular fluids and oviduct fluids from the ovulatory side and the anovulatory side. The results showed that there is no significant difference between two side oviduct fluids, but a total of 71 differential abundance proteins (DAPs) were identified between two side follicular fluids, of which 9 are up-regulated and 62 are ...
Alghamdi AS, Fedorka CE, Scoggin KE, Esteller-Vico A, Beatty K, Davolli G, Ball BA, Troedsson MHT.Sperm-neutrophil binding is an important facet of breeding and significantly impacts fertility. While a specific seminal plasma protein has been found to reduce this binding and improve fertility (CRISP-3), additional molecule(s) appear to promote binding between defective sperm and neutrophils. Recent work has suggested one of these proteins is lactoferrin (LF), an 80 kDa iron-binding protein found throughout the body, but the purity of the protein was not confirmed. It is unknown if LF binds to sperm selectively based on viability, and if receptors for LF are located on equine sperm. To eval...
Boerboom D, Paquet M, Hsieh M, Liu J, Jamin SP, Behringer RR, Sirois J, Taketo MM, Richards JS.Misregulation of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway is a hallmark of several forms of cancer. Components of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway are expressed in ovarian granulosa cells; nevertheless, its potential involvement in granulosa cell tumorigenesis has not been examined. To this end, human (n = 6) and equine (n = 18) granulosa cell tumors (GCT) were analyzed for beta-catenin expression by immunohistochemistry. Unlike granulosa cells of normal ovaries, most (15 of 24) GCT samples showed nuclear localization of beta-catenin, suggesting that activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway plays ...
Hahn S, Giaglis S, Hoesli I, Hasler P.The intention of this review is to provide an overview of the potential role of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in mammalian reproduction. Neutrophil NETs appear to be involved in various stages of the reproductive cycle, starting with fertility and possibly ending with fetal loss. The first suggestion that NETs may play a role in pregnancy-related disorders was in preeclampsia, where vast numbers were detected in the intervillous space of affected placentae. The induction of NETosis involved an auto-inflammatory component, mediated by the increased release of placental micro-debris in p...
LeBlanc MM, Causey RC.Endometritis, a major cause of mare infertility arising from failure to remove bacteria, spermatozoa and inflammatory exudate post-breeding, is often undiagnosed. Defects in genital anatomy, myometrial contractions, lymphatic drainage, mucociliary clearance, cervical function, plus vascular degeneration and inflamm-ageing underlie susceptibility to endometritis. Diagnosis is made through detecting uterine fluid, vaginitis, vaginal discharge, short inter-oestrous intervals, inflammatory uterine cytology and positive uterine culture. However, these signs may be absent in subclinical cases. Hyper...
Aitken RJ, Gibb Z, Mitchell LA, Lambourne SR, Connaughton HS, De Iuliis GN.The prolonged incubation of human spermatozoa in vitro was found to induce a loss of motility associated with the activation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation in the absence of any change in mitochondrial membrane potential. The increase in mitochondrial free radical production was paralleled by a loss of protein thiols and a concomitant rise in the formation of 4-hydroxynonenal, an electrophilic product of lipid peroxidation that was found to directly suppress sperm movement. These results prompted a search for nucleophiles that could counteract the action of such cytotoxic ...
Kenney RM.Normal histologic changes that occurred in concert with the ovarian cycle were evaluated. When combined with behavioral and physical findings, this evaluation enabled determination when there was synchrony between ovarian steroids (estrogen and progesterone) and their target tissues of endometrium. A system for classification as well as definitions of patterns types and degrees of severity of inflammatory and fibrotic changes was developed to facilitate a uniform system for description and communication. An attempt was made to relate the pathologic changes to their effect on fertility when fer...
Katila T.This review attempts to summarize the current knowledge on uterine inflammatory response after mating in horses, pigs and cattle. Post-mating endometritis has been extensively studied in horses as it has been considered to cause infertility. The inflammation is known to occur also in cattle, but it has not been investigated to a similar extent. There are a number of publications about mechanisms of post-mating uterine inflammation in pigs, which seem to resemble those in horses. The major focus of this review is the horse, but relevant literature is presented also on swine and cattle. Spermato...
Su TW, Choi I, Feng J, Huang K, McLeod E, Ozcan A.We report the discovery of an entirely new three-dimensional (3D) swimming pattern observed in human and horse sperms. This motion is in the form of 'chiral ribbons', where the planar swing of the sperm head occurs on an osculating plane creating in some cases a helical ribbon and in some others a twisted ribbon. The latter, i.e., the twisted ribbon trajectory, also defines a minimal surface, exhibiting zero mean curvature for all the points on its surface. These chiral ribbon swimming patterns cannot be represented or understood by already known patterns of sperms or other micro-swimmers. The...
White IG.When sperm of the ram, bull, boar and stallion are cold-shocked by rapid cooling to near freezing point, motility and metabolic activity are irreversibly depressed and the acrosome and plasma membrane disrupted. Ram sperm become susceptible to cold shock in the proximal corpus region of the epididymis when the cytoplasmic droplet has moved backwards to the distal portion of the sperm midpiece. The membrane constituents phospholipids and cholesterol are important in cold shock which causes loss of lipid from sperm. The susceptibility of sperm to cold shock is linked with a high ratio of unsatur...
Ball BA.Oxidative stress is an important component of the cytopathology of equine spermatozoa undergoing storage as liquid or frozen semen. Damage to chromatin, membranes and proteins of sperm are important components of oxidative damage to sperm. Similarly, sperm are exposed to a variety of osmotic stresses during storage that result from exposure to hypertonic media or result as a consequence of osmotic changes induced during freezing. A number of changes induced during processing and storage of equine sperm also appear to induce apoptotic-like changes which may adversely affect sperm survival and f...
Ambruosi B, Uranio MF, Sardanelli AM, Pocar P, Martino NA, Paternoster MS, Amati F, Dell'Aquila ME.Phthalates are ubiquitous environmental contaminants because of their use in plastics and other common consumer products. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is the most abundant phthalate and it impairs fertility by acting as an endocrine disruptor. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of in vitro acute exposure to DEHP on oocyte maturation, energy and oxidative status in the horse, a large animal model. Cumulus cell (CC) apoptosis and oxidative status were also investigated. Cumulus-oocyte complexes from the ovaries of slaughtered mares were cultured in vitro in presence of...
Gibb Z, Lambourne SR, Aitken RJ.The relationship between stallion fertility and oxidative stress remains poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to identify criteria for thoroughbred fertility assessment by performing a logistical regression analysis using "dismount" sperm parameters as predictors and weekly per-cycle conception rate as the dependent variable. Paradoxically, positive relationships between fertility and oxidative stress were revealed, such that samples that produced pregnancies exhibited higher rates of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine release (1490.2% vs. 705.5 pg/ml/24 h) and lower vitality (60.5% vs. 6...
Yang F, Fu B, O'Brien PC, Nie W, Ryder OA, Ferguson-Smith MA.We have made a complete set of painting probes for the domestic horse by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR amplification of flow-sorted horse chromosomes. The horse probes, together with a full set of those available for human, were hybridized onto metaphase chromosomes of human, horse and mule. Based on the hybridization results, we have generated genome-wide comparative chromosome maps involving the domestic horse, donkey and human. These maps define the overall distribution and boundaries of evolutionarily conserved chromosomal segments in the three genomes. Our results shed further lig...
Weems CW, Weems YS, Randel RD.Prostaglandins impact on ovarian, uterine, placental, and pituitary function to regulate reproduction in female livestock. They play important roles in ovulation, luteal function, maternal recognition of pregnancy, implantation, maintenance of gestation, microbial-induced abortion, parturition, postpartum uterine and ovarian infections, and resumption of postpartum ovarian cyclicity. Prostaglandins have both positive and negative effects on reproduction; they are used to synchronize oestrus, terminate pseudopregnancy in mares, induce parturition, and treat retained placenta, luteinized cysts, ...
Kirkpatrick JF, Lyda RO, Frank KM.Wildlife, free-ranging and captive, poses and causes serious population problems not unlike those encountered with human overpopulation. Traditional lethal control programs, however, are not always legal, wise, safe, or publicly acceptable; thus, alternative approaches are necessary. Immunocontraception of free-ranging wildlife has reached the management level, with success across a large variety of species. Thus far, the immunocontraceptive research and management applications emphasis have been centered on porcine zona pellucida and gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccines. Contraceptive succ...
Janeu010dka JE, Davis BW, Ghosh S, Paria N, Das PJ, Orlando L, Schubert M, Nielsen MK, Stout TAE, Brashear W, Li G, Johnson CD, Metz RP, Zadjali AMA....Dynamic evolutionary processes and complex structure make the Y chromosome among the most diverse and least understood regions in mammalian genomes. Here, we present an annotated assembly of the male specific region of the horse Y chromosome (eMSY), representing the first comprehensive Y assembly in odd-toed ungulates. The eMSY comprises single-copy, equine specific multi-copy, PAR transposed, and novel ampliconic sequence classes. The eMSY gene density approaches that of autosomes with the highest number of retained X-Y gametologs recorded in eutherians, in addition to novel Y-born and transp...
Paria N, Raudsepp T, Pearks Wilkerson AJ, O'Brien PC, Ferguson-Smith MA, Love CC, Arnold C, Rakestraw P, Murphy WJ, Chowdhary BP.Studies of the Y chromosome in primates, rodents and carnivores provide compelling evidence that the male specific region of Y (MSY) contains functional genes, many of which have specialized roles in spermatogenesis and male-fertility. Little similarity, however, has been found between the gene content and sequence of MSY in different species. This hinders the discovery of species-specific male fertility genes and limits our understanding about MSY evolution in mammals. Here, a detailed MSY gene catalogue was developed for the horse--an odd-toed ungulate. Using direct cDNA selection from horse...
Das PJ, McCarthy F, Vishnoi M, Paria N, Gresham C, Li G, Kachroo P, Sudderth AK, Teague S, Love CC, Varner DD, Chowdhary BP, Raudsepp T.Mature mammalian sperm contain a complex population of RNAs some of which might regulate spermatogenesis while others probably play a role in fertilization and early development. Due to this limited knowledge, the biological functions of sperm RNAs remain enigmatic. Here we report the first characterization of the global transcriptome of the sperm of fertile stallions. The findings improved understanding of the biological significance of sperm RNAs which in turn will allow the discovery of sperm-based biomarkers for stallion fertility. The stallion sperm transcriptome was interrogated by analy...
Binder AK, Rodriguez KF, Hamilton KJ, Stockton PS, Reed CE, Korach KS.Determining the spatial and temporal expression of genes involved in the ovulatory pathway is critical for the understanding of the role of each estrogen receptor in the modulation of folliculogenesis and ovulation. Estrogen receptor (ER)-β is highly expressed in ovarian granulosa cells, and mice lacking ER-β are subfertile due to inefficient ovulation. Previous work has focused on isolated granulosa cells or cultured follicles and, although informative, provides confounding results due to the heterogeneous cell types present including granulosa and theca cells and oocytes and exposure to in...
Cheng FP, Fazeli A, Voorhout WF, Marks A, Bevers MM, Colenbrander B.Peanut agglutinin (PNA) was used to assess the sperm acrosomal status and the acrosome reaction during gamete interaction in the equine species. PNA exclusively binds to the outer acrosomal membrane of stallion spermatozoa, as was established by transmission electron microscopy. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-PNA (FITC-PNA) labeling was used to monitor sperm acrosomal changes during a prolonged incubation period of 24 hours and during a 2-hours incubation in the presence of 5 microM calcium ionophore A23187. In addition, after a 4-hours preincubation in SP-TALP medium, sperm samples were incubated...
da Silveira JC, Winger QA, Bouma GJ, Carnevale EM.Age-related decline in fertility is a consequence of low oocyte number and/or low oocyte competence resulting in pregnancy failure. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signalling is a well-studied pathway involved in follicular development and ovulation. Recently, small non-coding RNAs, namely microRNAs (miRNAs), have been demonstrated to regulate several members of this pathway; miRNAs are secreted inside small cell-secreted vesicles called exosomes. The overall goal of the present study was to determine whether altered exosome miRNA content in follicular fluid from old mares is associated wi...
Riddle WT, LeBlanc MM, Stromberg AJ.Endometrial cytology and culture specimens (n=2123) were collected concurrently with a guarded uterine culture instrument from 970 mares (738 barren, 1230 foaling and 155 maiden mares) during three breeding seasons (2001-2004). Results were compared to the 28-d pregnancy rate for the cycle from which the samples were taken. Cytological smears were evaluated for inflammation at x100 and graded as: not inflammatory (0-2 neutrophils/field), moderate inflammation (2-5 neutrophils/field), severe inflammation (>5 neutrophils/field), or hypocellular (scant epithelial cells and no neutrophils). Ute...
Schauer SN, Sontakke SD, Watson ED, Esteves CL, Donadeu FX.Previous evidence from in vitro studies suggests specific roles for a subset of miRNAs, including miR-21, miR-23a, miR-145, miR-503, miR-224, miR-383, miR-378, miR-132, and miR-212, in regulating ovarian follicle development. The objective of this study was to determine changes in the levels of these miRNAs in relation to follicle selection, maturation, and ovulation in the monovular equine ovary. In Experiment 1, follicular fluid was aspirated during ovulatory cycles from the dominant (DO) and largest subordinate (S) follicles of an ovulatory wave and the dominant (DA) follicle of a mid-cycle...
Loux SC, Crawford KR, Ing NH, Gonzu00e1lez-Fernu00e1ndez L, Macu00edas-Garcu00eda B, Love CC, Varner DD, Velez IC, Choi YH, Hinrichs K.In vitro fertilization does not occur readily in the horse. This may be related to failure of equine sperm to initiate hyperactivated motility, as treating with procaine to induce hyperactivation increases fertilization rates. In mice, hyperactivated motility requires a sperm-specific pH-gated calcium channel (CatSper); therefore, we investigated this channel in equine sperm. Motility was assessed by computer-assisted sperm motility analysis and changes in intracellular pH and calcium were assessed using fluorescent probes. Increasing intracellular pH induced a rise in intracellular calcium, w...
Aurich C.Horses are long-day breeders. During the breeding season, cycle length is about 22 days with 5-7 days of oestrus. Gonadotroph cells are localized in the pars distalis as well the pars tuberalis of the pituitary and heterogeneity in the pattern of LH and FSH storage within the gonadotroph population is considered the basis for the differential regulation of gonadotrophin secretion throughout the reproductive cycle. No short and distinct periovulatory LH peak exists in the mare. The equine ovary has an extreme large size and weight. One to two major follicular waves develop per cycle. The preovu...
Morris LH, Allen WR.The findings of a retrospective survey of 1393 Thoroughbred mares visiting 22 studfarms in the Newmarket region of the UK during the 1998 mating season were compared with those of a similar study undertaken in 1983. The effects of mare age and status, stallion, month of mating, application of uterine treatments and other parameters on the rates of singleton and twin conception and subsequent pregnancy losses were analysed. Mare age and status significantly affected the per cycle pregnancy rate and the incidence of pregnancy loss. Overall, the mean number of matings per oestrus was 1.12 and the...
Rathi R, Colenbrander B, Bevers MM, Gadella BM.The primary aim of this study was to establish a flow cytometric technique for determining the capacitation status of stallion spermatozoa. To this end, a flow cytometric technique that demonstrates changes in plasma membrane fluidity; namely, merocyanine 540 staining, was compared with the more conventional Ca(2+)-dependent fluorescence microscopic technique, chlortetracycline (CTC) staining, for assessing capacitation status. In addition, the effect of bicarbonate/CO(2) on the progress of capacitation and the acrosome reaction (AR) and on temporal changes in sperm motility, with particular r...
Gravance CG, Garner DL, Baumber J, Ball BA.The fluorescent carbocyanine dye, JC-1, labels mitochondria with high membrane potential orange and mitochondria with low membrane potential green. Evaluation of mitochondrial membrane potential with JC-1 has been used in a variety of cell types, including bull spermatozoa; however, JC-1 staining has not yet been reported for equine spermatozoa. The aim of this study was to apply JC-1 staining and assessment by flow cytometry or a fluorescence microplate reader for evaluation of mitochondrial function of equine spermatozoa. Six ejaculates from four stallions were collected and centrifuged thro...
Sailer BL, Jost LK, Evenson DP.Sperm from four mammalian species were analyzed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) and the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase assay (TdTA) using flow cytometry. The SCSA quantitates the susceptibility of sperm nuclear DNA to in situ acid denaturation, while the TdTA quantitates the presence of endogenous DNA strand breaks in sperm nuclear chromatin. Correlations were seen between the percentage of sperm cells showing susceptibility to in situ acid denaturation and the percentage of cells showing the presence of DNA strand breaks for humans (r = 0.56, P = 0.004), rams (r = 0.84, P...
Carnevale EM.Reproductive aging and assisted reproduction are becoming progressively more relevant in human medicine. Research with human subjects is limited in many aspects, and consequently animal models may have considerable utility. Such models have provided insight into follicular function, oocyte maturation, and reproductive aging. However, models are often selected based on factors other than physiological or functional similarities. Although the mare has received limited attention as a model for reproduction in women, comparisons between these species indicate that the mare has many attributes of a...
Mihm M, Evans AC.The selection of a single ovarian follicle for further differentiation and finally ovulation is a shared phenomenon in monovulatory species from different phylogenetic classes. The commonality of dominant follicle (DF) development leads us to hypothesize that mechanisms for DF selection are conserved. This review highlights similarities and differences in follicular wave growth between cows, mares and women, addresses the commonality of the transient rises in FSH concentrations, and discusses the follicular secretions oestradiol and inhibin with their regulatory roles for FSH. In all three spe...