Comparison of Detomidine or Romifidine in Combination with Morphine for Standing Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Horses. The aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate sedation protocol for a standing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination in horses, comparing continuous rate infusions (CRIs) of detomidine and romifidine combined with a single bolus of morphine. Sixteen horses referred for standing low-field open-magnet MRI were randomly assigned to one of two sedation protocols. The horses were premedicated with 0.03 mg/kg of intramuscular acepromazine, and those animals belonging to Group D received an intravenous (IV) loading dose of detomidine (0.01 mg/kg) 30 min later, while those of Grou...
Implementation of a prototype dynamic laryngoplasty system in standing sedated horses provided arytenoid abduction control at seven days postoperatively. Evaluate a prototype dynamic laryngoplasty system (DLPS) in horses; a feasibility study. Methods: 7 healthy Standardbred adult horses. Methods: This was an in vivo experimental study. Horses had a standing surgical procedure to induce complete laryngeal hemiplegia, which was subsequently treated using the dynamic laryngoplasty system (DLPS). Activation of the DLPS was achieved using an injection port exiting through the skin (n = 2) or a subcutaneous injection port (n = 5). For each horse, endoscopic examinations of the upper respiratory tract were performed preoperatively, intraoperatively, a...
Dental sectioning for intraoral equine cheek teeth extractions: 29 cases. The objectives of this retrospective study were to describe cheek teeth extraction by the sectioning technique, the decision making to use this technique and its potentially associated complications. Sectioning for dental extraction purpose was used in 29/461 (6.3%) of cases. Oro-sinusal fistula was the main post-operative complication, with 4/29 (13.7%) cases developing a macroscopic communication between the alveolus of the tooth extracted and the adjacent sinus compartment. All teeth where sectioning was attempted were successfully extracted. Sectioning for dental extraction appears to be a...
One-stage surgical case management of a two-year-old Arabian horse affected by male-pseudo hermaphroditism. A two-year-old Arabian horse presented for abnormal external genitalia and dangerous stallion-like behavior was diagnosed with disorder of sexual development (DSD), also known as intersex/hermaphroditism. Standing 1-stage surgical procedure performed under sedation, and local anesthesia to concurrently eliminate stallion-like behavior, risk of neoplastic transformation of intraabdominal gonads, and to replace ambiguous external genital with a functional, and cosmetically more acceptable anatomy. Step-1) Laparoscopic abdominal exploration and gonadectomy; Step-2) Rudimentary penis resection and...
MicroPulse™ transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in the equine patient: A case series of four horses. To describe the clinical application and outcome of MicroPulse™ transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (MP-TSCPC) treatment in horses with glaucoma. Methods: Four client-owned horses with primary (n = 2) or secondary (n = 2) glaucoma. Methods: Horses were treated with MP-TSCPC under standing sedation with a minimum of 30 days of follow-up (range 30-1241 days). Affected eyes were treated with a 31.3% duty cycle and 3000 mW laser power for a total of 180 s. Data collected included signalment, pre- and post-procedure intraocular pressures (IOPs), laser settings, medications, complic...
Comparison of the sedative and cardiovascular effects of the combination of acepromazine-clonidine versus acepromazine-xylazine in horses. The aim of this study was to compare the sedative and cardiovascular effects of the combination of acepromazine-clonidine versus acepromazine-xylazine in horses. Four healthy cross-bred horses were included in the study. They were assigned to two treatments. In treatment I (T1), the animals received xylazine hydrochloride (1.00 mg kg) in combination with acepromazine maleate (0.05 mg kg) intravenously (IV). In treatment II (T2), the animals received intra-gastric administration of clonidine (0.002 mg kg) followed by acepromazine (0.05 mg kg; IV) after 60 min. Head height above the ground (HHAG...
Sedation with dexmedetomidine-butorphanol or xylazine-butorphanol continuous intravenous infusions during unilateral ovariectomy in standing donkeys. Intravenous infusions of alpha-2 adrenoceptor sedatives and opioids can potentially facilitate surgery in donkeys while standing. Literature on this subject matter is scant. Objective: Evaluation of efficacy of sedation from α -adrenoceptors (dexmedetomidine or xylazine) and butorphanol during ovariectomy in standing donkeys. Methods: Randomised, masked in vivo experiment. Methods: Thirteen female donkeys were sedated with butorphanol (0.05 mg/kg bwt followed by 0.5 mg/kg bwt/h) IV. Concomitantly, 6 of the 13 jennies were sedated with dexmedetomidine 2.5 mcg/kg bwt followed by 2.5 mcg...
Behavioral observations, heart rate and cortisol monitoring in horses following multiple oral administrations of a cannabidiol containing paste (part 2/2). As a remedy against stress and anxiety, cannabidiol (CBD) products are of increasing interest in veterinary medicine. Limited data is available describing the actual effectiveness of CBD in horses. The aim of this study (part 2 of 2) was to analyze stress parameters via behavioral observation, heart rate monitoring and assessment of blood and saliva cortisol levels in healthy horses treated repeatedly with a CBD containing paste. Twelve horses were randomly assigned to a treatment or a control group. Two pastes were orally administered in a double-blinded study design, one paste containing CBD...
Standing left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy for prospective evaluation of laryngeal hemiplegia evaluated by a high-speed treadmill test. To describe left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (LRLn) performed under standing sedation and evaluate the effect of LRLn on upper respiratory tract function using a high-speed treadmill test (HST). We hypothesized that (1) unilateral LRLn could be performed in standing horses, resulting in ipsilateral arytenoid cartilage collapse (ACC); and (2) HST after LRLn would be associated with alterations in upper respiratory function consistent with dynamic ACC. Methods: 6 Thoroughbred horses. Methods: The horses were trained and underwent a baseline HST up to 14 m/s at 5% incline until fatigue. Evalua...
Behavioral observations, heart rate and heart rate variability in horses following oral administration of a cannabidiol containing paste in three escalating doses (part 1/2). Cannabidiol (CBD) products have been proposed to exert stress- and anxiety-relieving effects in animals. Despite the increasing popularity of CBD for veterinary use, the available research detailing the effects of CBD in horses is limited. The aim of this study (part 1 of 2) was to analyze stress parameters via behavioral observations and heart rate monitoring in healthy horses following single oral administration of a CBD containing paste in different doses. Study products were two pastes for oral administration, one containing CBD and one containing no active ingredient. Pastes were applied ...
Effect of constant rate infusion of detomidine with and without vatinoxan on blood glucose and insulin concentrations in horses. To assess the effects of an α-adrenoceptor agonist (detomidine) constant rate infusion (CRI) with and without an α-adrenoceptor antagonist (vatinoxan) CRI on blood insulin and glucose concentrations, heart rate, intestinal borborygmi, and sedation during and after infusion in horses. Methods: Randomized, blinded, crossover, experimental study. Methods: A total of nine healthy, adult Finnhorse mares. Methods: Horses were treated with an intravenous (IV) detomidine loading dose (0.01 mg kg), followed by CRI (0.015 mg kg hour), and the same doses of detomidine combined with an IV vatinoxan load...
Investigation of nasal epithelial cells as a surrogate for bronchial epithelial cells in the research of equine asthma. Equine asthma, previously known as Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO) or Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD), is an often-debilitating condition that may severely affect both performance and quality of life. Research is hindered by the low sample numbers of subjects recruited to studies, a consequence in part of the invasive nature of the sampling methods of bronchial brushing and biopsy. We present an alternative method of sampling equine airway epithelial cells, the 'nasal brush method' (NBM). Obtained by light brushing of the ventral meatus whilst the horse is under standing sedation, these c...
Standing gustatory papillae biopsy procedure for antemortem diagnosis of equine grass sickness. Diagnosing equine grass sickness (EGS) requires histopathological evidence of chromatolysis and/or neuronal loss in peripheral autonomic ganglia. Previous investigators performed postmortem biopsies of gustatory papillae located on the tongue and found chromatolytic subgemmal neurons in all 13 EGS horses. The present study aimed to design a standardized lingual biopsy sampling method through a transbuccal approach in healthy standing horses and assess the quality of the obtained samples, to allow antemortem diagnosis of EGS in clinical cases. Methods: 6 healthy horses. Methods: A transbuccal a...
Outcome and racing performance following standing fracture repair in 245 horses. Repair of sagittal proximal phalanx (P1) and parasagittal metacarpal/metatarsal III (MC/MTIII) fractures has evolved over recent decades from a procedure carried out solely under general anaesthesia, to one commonly performed under standing sedation. To date, standing fracture repair has not been evaluated for large cohorts. Objective: To determine short-term (survival to discharge) and long-term (return to racing) outcomes of horses undergoing standing repair of MC/MTIII and P1 fractures, and to compare pre-surgical and post-surgical racing performance. Methods: Single-centre retrospective co...
Morphine concentrations in distal thoracic limb synovial fluid following intravenous regional limb perfusion in horses. Twelve adult horses were randomly assigned to 2 groups in a prospective experimental trial. A pneumatic tourniquet (425 mmHg) was placed, under sedation, proximal to the carpus on one randomly chosen thoracic limb. A cephalic vein catheter was placed distal to the tourniquet to establish an intravenous regional limb perfusion technique (IVRLP) with morphine (0.1 mg/kg) diluted with saline 0.9% to 0.1 mL/kg, and the tourniquet left in place for 30 minutes. Horses were euthanized at 1 h (Group I) or 6 h (Group II) following the IVRLP and synovial fluid from the radiocarpal, intercarpal, metacarp...
Xylazine Infusion during Equine Colic Anesthesia with Isoflurane and Lidocaine: A Retrospective Study. This retrospective study investigated the effect of a xylazine infusion on heart rate; mean arterial pressure; blood gases; anesthetic and dobutamine requirements; recovery quality and duration; percentage of death/survival; and days to die/discharge in horses after colic surgery under partial intravenous anesthesia with isoflurane and lidocaine infusion. Anesthetic records of equine colic surgery were reviewed from similar periods in 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. In both groups, after sedation with xylazine 0.7 mg/kg intravenously (IV) and induction with ketamine 2.2 mg/kg and midazolam 0.06 mg/kg...
Comparison of two sedation protocols for long electroretinography in horses using the Koijman electrode. In modern times, horses are utilized not only for labour and transportation purposes but also for recreational activities such as competition and pleasure riding. In these various pursuits, the role of vision plays a crucial role. Electroretinography is the most used test to diagnose diseases of the retinal outer segment. There is a wide variety of devices to perform the electroretinography differing one from each other in the corneal electrode and the light stimulation. The Koijman electrode has been tested in dogs but not in horses. The main purpose of this study was to compare electroretino...
Effects of a 10% dimethyl sulfoxide solution on radiocarpal joint amikacin pharmacokinetics during intravenous regional limb perfusion in standing sedated horses. To determine the effect of a 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution on the peak concentration (C ) of amikacin in the radiocarpal joint (RCJ) during intravenous regional limb perfusion (IVRLP) compared with 0.9% NaCl. Methods: Randomized crossover study. Methods: Seven healthy adult horses. Methods: The horses underwent IVRLP with 2 g of amikacin sulfate diluted to 60 mL using a 10% DMSO or 0.9% NaCl solution. Synovial fluid was collected from the RCJ at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes after IVRLP. The wide rubber tourniquet placed on the antebrachium was removed after the 30 min sample. A...
Effects of 2 modes of positive pressure ventilation on respiratory mechanics and gas exchange in foals. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and pressure support ventilation (PSV) can improve respiratory mechanics and gas exchange, but different airway pressures have not been compared in foals. Objective: Assess the effect of different airway pressures during CPAP and PSV have on respiratory function in healthy foals with pharmacologically induced respiratory insufficiency. We hypothesized that increased airway pressures would improve respiratory mechanics and increased positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) would be associated with hypercapnia. Methods: Six healthy foals from a universit...
Electroencephalographic evaluation under standing sedation using sublingual detomidine hydrochloride in Egyptian Arabian foals for investigation of epilepsy. A standardized protocol for electroencephalography (EEG) under standing sedation for the investigation of epilepsy in foals is needed. Objective: To evaluate a modified standardized EEG protocol under standing sedation using sublingual detomidine hydrochloride in Egyptian Arabian foals. Methods: Nineteen foals (controls, 9; juvenile idiopathic epilepsy [JIE], 10). Methods: Descriptive clinical study. Foals were classified as controls or epileptic based on history or witnessed seizures and neurological examination. Foals were sedated using sublingual detomidine hydrochloride at a dosage of 0.08...
Evaluation of Three Methods of Sensory Function Testing for the Assessment of Successful Maxillary Nerve Blockade in Horses. Maxillary nerve blocks (MNBs) commonly facilitate dental surgeries in standing horses. The goal of this prospective, blinded, cross-over design trial including 15 client-owned horses was to evaluate 3 methods of sensory function testing for confirming a successful MNB. Testing was performed bilaterally before sedation, 5 min after sedation, and 15 and 30 min after MNB with 0.5% bupivacaine and involved a needle prick dorsal to each naris, hemostat clamping of each nostril, and gingival algometry (measuring sensitivity to pain). Responses to stimulation were numerically scored and scores were s...
Intrathecal mepivacaine after general anesthesia is an effective method of equine euthanasia when compared to intravenous pentobarbital. This study aims to assess intrathecal mepivacaine for euthanasia in anesthetized horses and compare it to a traditional euthanasia method using a single intravenous injection of pentobarbital in sedated horses. Methods: Client-owned horses and horses requiring euthanasia due to involvement in concurrent research projects were used. Horses were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: intrathecal mepivacaine after anesthesia or intravenous pentobarbital after sedation. All horses had normal vital parameters and no signs of infectious disease at the time of euthanasia. Methods: The intrathecal mepiva...
Dexmedetomidine Has Differential Effects on the Contractility of Equine Jejunal Smooth Muscle Layers In Vitro. α2 agonists are frequently used in horses with colic, even though they have been shown to inhibit gastrointestinal motility. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of dexmedetomidine on small intestinal in vitro contractility during different phases of ischaemia. Experimental segmental jejunal ischaemia was induced in 12 horses under general anaesthesia, and intestinal samples were taken pre-ischaemia and following ischaemia and reperfusion. Spontaneous and electrically evoked contractile activity of the circular and longitudinal smooth muscles were determined in each sample with a...
Effect of Volumes of Solutions on Intraocular Pressure During Intravitreal Injection of Low Dose Gentamicin in Horses With Recurrent Uveitis: A Randomized Controlled Study. Horses with recurrent uveitis can be treated by intravitreal injection of low dose gentamicin under sedation and after local anesthetic techniques including the retrobulbar nerve block. Since it is reported that retinal degeneration can be secondary to an acute increase of intraocular pressure (IOP), the current randomized controlled study was carried out in order to investigate the changes in IOP following retrobulbar anesthesia, with two different volumes of local anesthetic (lidocaine) solution (10 and 5 mL), and intravitreal injection of 6 mg gentamicin in two different volumes of solution...
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of nalbuphine in xylazine‑sedated horses. This study describes the selected pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of nalbuphine (NAL) in xylazine (XYL)‑sedated horses. Five adult healthy horses were randomly received 2 treatments at a 1‑week interval; XYL treatment (0.55 mg/kg IV) and XYL/NAL treatment (XYL, 0.55 mg/kg IV; NAL, 0.3 mg/kg IV). The measured pharmacodynamic variables were sedative and analgesic effects and the effect on ataxia and some physiological parameters. for the pharmacokinetics of NAL, its plasma concentrations were measured using HPLC and a 2‑compartment analysis was performed. Greater and prolonged sedati...
Comparing the anti-nociceptive, sedative and clinicophysiological effects of epidural detomidine, detomidine-lidocaine and lidocaine in donkeys. Epidural analgesia using the alpha-2 agonist detomidine (DE), alone or in combination with lidocaine (LD), is frequently employed for standing surgical procedures in horses, but its use has not been evaluated in donkeys. Methods: In a randomised controlled prospective trial, 24 healthy adult donkeys were assigned to four groups (n = 6), each receiving 40 μg/kg of DE, 0.22 mg/kg of LD, combined DE and LD (DELD) or 0.9% sterile normal saline epidurally. After epidural injection of each treatment, the onset, degree and duration of sedation and anatomical extension of anti-nociception were obse...
Laryngeal tie-forward in standing sedated horses. To investigate the feasibility and describe the clinical experience of performing laryngeal tie-forward (LTF) in standing horses unaffected (experimental) and affected (clinical) by intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (iDDSP). Methods: Experimental study and case series. Methods: Five normal experimental controls and five client owned horses affected by iDDSP. Methods: Standing LTF was performed and evaluated in five experimental horses and five clinical cases diagnosed with iDDSP. Standing LTF was performed under endoscopic guidance with horses sedated and the surgical site de...
Computed tomographic evaluation of the distal limb in the standing sedated horse: Technique, imaging diagnoses, feasibility, and artifacts. In several veterinary institutions, adjustments of CT machines have been made that allow for imaging of the standing horse. The risk of general anesthesia is eliminated and the shorter scan completion time reduces cost to clients. The objective of this retrospective, analytical study was to evaluate the technique, imaging diagnoses, feasibility, and image artifacts of multi-slice helical CT of horses' distal limbs acquired under standing sedation. The CT images of 250 horses of various breeds, aged 3-23 years, that underwent standing distal limb CT were evaluated. Three observers assessed the ...
Perioperative Brain Function Monitoring with Electroencephalography in Horses Anesthetized with Multimodal Balanced Anesthetic Protocol Subjected to Surgeries. This study aimed to investigate the use of electroencephalography (EEG) for detecting brain activity changes perioperatively in anesthetized horses subjected to surgery. Twelve adult horses undergoing various surgeries were evaluated after premedication with xylazine and butorphanol, induction with ketamine, midazolam, and guaifenesin, and maintenance with isoflurane. The frontal EEG electrodes were placed after the horse was intubated and mechanically ventilated. The EEG data were collected continuously from Stage (S)1-transition from induction to isoflurane maintenance, S2-during surgery, S3...
Equine echocardiography: Can dobutamine infusion correct alterations due to sedation with alpha-2 agonists? For the echocardiographic examination horses should not be sedated unless absolutely necessary because this alters cardiac dimensions and indices of function. However, some horses do not tolerate the echocardiographic procedure and require sedation to conduct the examination safely and obtain good quality images. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the concurrent infusion of dobutamine in horses sedated with romifidine counteracts the cardiovascular changes observed with sedation alone. Twelve healthy untrained Standardbred mares were used. Three echocardiographic examinations ...