Microvasculature of the suspensory ligament of the equine hind limb. To describe the microvascular anatomy of the equine hind limb suspensory ligament. Methods: 18 hind limbs harvested from 9 adult horses euthanized for reasons unrelated to lameness. Methods: A catheter was placed in the transected cranial tibial artery at the level of the mid-distal tibia for each hind limb and used to inject 120 to 150 mL of contrast medium (2 limbs) to identify principal vasculature using contrast-enhanced CT or India ink (11 limbs) to identify microvasculature using the Spalteholz tissue-clearing technique. Routine histologic evaluation was performed on transverse sections ...
Micro-CT and histological examination of accessory canals in 34 equine cheek teeth. Accessory canals and apical deltas have been extensively studied in human dentistry. Their clinical role as a difficult to clean reservoir for bacteria during endodontic treatments has been well described. Many papers describe in detail the pulp anatomy of equine dentition but little attention has been given to their apical ramifications. The goal of this paper is to describe the presence and anatomy of these accessory canals and apical deltas in healthy equine cheek teeth and discuss their possible relevance in the light of equine endodontics. To accomplish this, 15 maxillary and 19 mandibula...
Validation of three-dimensional thoracic electrical impedance tomography of horses during normal and increased tidal volumes. Data from two-plane electrical impedance tomography (EIT) can be reconstructed into various slices of functional lung images, allowing for more complete visualisation and assessment of lung physiology in health and disease. The aim of this study was to confirm the ability of 3d EIT to visualise normal lung anatomy and physiology at rest and during increased ventilation (represented by rebreathing).
Approach: Two-plane EIT data, using two electrode planes 20cm apart, were collected in 20 standing sedate horses at baseline (resting) conditions, and during rebreathing. EIT data were reconstr...
One-stage surgical case management of a two-year-old Arabian horse affected by male-pseudo hermaphroditism. A two-year-old Arabian horse presented for abnormal external genitalia and dangerous stallion-like behavior was diagnosed with disorder of sexual development (DSD), also known as intersex/hermaphroditism. Standing 1-stage surgical procedure performed under sedation, and local anesthesia to concurrently eliminate stallion-like behavior, risk of neoplastic transformation of intraabdominal gonads, and to replace ambiguous external genital with a functional, and cosmetically more acceptable anatomy. Step-1) Laparoscopic abdominal exploration and gonadectomy; Step-2) Rudimentary penis resection and...
Development of a three-dimensional computer model of the equine heart using a polyurethane casting technique and in vivo contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Insight into the three-dimensional (3D) anatomy of the equine heart is essential in veterinary education and to develop minimally invasive intracardiac procedures. The aim was to create a 3D computer model simulating the in vivo anatomy of the adult equine heart. Methods: Ten horses and five ponies. Methods: Ten horses, euthanized for non-cardiovascular reasons, were used for in situ cardiac casting with polyurethane foam and subsequent computed tomography (CT) of the excised heart. In five anaesthetized ponies, a contrast-enhanced electrocardiogram-gated CT protocol was optimized to image th...
Morphological and histological investigation of the conduction system in the equine atrial muscle sleeve of pulmonary veins. Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in horses causing poor performance. The role of pulmonary vein triggers in the pathogenesis has been identified in horses. Ablation methods have been investigated, but the available information on anatomical, histological and immunohistochemical assessment of the pulmonary vein ostia and the conduction system of the myocardial sleeve is still limited. Objective: The aim of the study was to describe the morphological properties of the myocardial sleeve in healthy horses. Methods: Cross-sectional. Methods: Eighty-three equine hearts were dissecte...
Retroperitoneoscopy of the presacral space in horses: Surgical access and anatomy. Surgical approaches to the equine rectum and perirectal area are described in the literature. However, surgeries in this region can be challenging. Objective: To describe the surgical anatomy of the presacral space and to evaluate its access using a retroperitoneoscopic approach. Methods: Ex vivo experiment. Methods: Preliminary dissections were performed in two cadavers to define the boundaries of the presacral space and to determine portal locations for the surgical approach. After that, nine cadavers were used for experimental presacral retroperitoneoscopic procedure in a standing position....
The prevalence of equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis and the role of interincisal angulation in disease severity in a representative cohort of horses in Switzerland. Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis (EOTRH) is an increasingly diagnosed degenerative dental disease in aged horses. The primary aim of this retrospective study was to determine the prevalence of EOTRH in horses admitted to the Equine Hospital, University of Zurich, for dental procedures from 2004 to 2017. A secondary goal was to measure and compare interincisal angles on two-dimensional radiographs of horses with EOTRH to determine whether the interincisal angle is associated with age and severity of the disease. Radiographs were assessed for the presence of lysis and/or...
Modified abaxial sesamoid nerve block provides enhanced proximal diffusion compared to basisesamoid block and lower proximal diffusion than traditional low plantar nerve block in equine hind limbs: ex vivo and in vivo study. To determine the proximal diffusion distance of radiopaque contrast medium and mepivacaine/methylene blue solution and incidence of inadvertent intrasynovial and intravascular injections of modified sesamoid nerve block (MASB) when compared with traditional plantar nerve analgesia techniques of the equine distal hind limb. Methods: Ex vivo model: 18 hind limbs; and in vivo model: 5 horses in a crossover study. Methods: In the ex vivo model, a mepivacaine/methylene blue solution was used to compare the diffusion distance between MASB, basisesamoid block (BSB), and traditional low plantar block ...
Computed tomographic features and surgical treatment of equine mandibular aneurysmal bone cysts with β-tricalcium phosphate in a multicenter case series. To describe clinical and imaging features and surgical treatment of equine mandibular aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) with β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP). Methods: 3 horses (cases 1, 2, and 3) and 1 pony (case 4) with histologically confirmed ABC. Methods: All cases had mandibular swelling with intact adjacent skin. Cases 1 to 3 had a body condition score of 3/5 and case 4 had 2/5 and showed quidding during mastication and, at oral examination, large interdental spaces and loose elements adjacent to the swelling. Radiography or CT was performed in all cases. In cases 1, 3, and 4, an expansile sept...
Equine Gunshot Euthanasia: Creation of a 3D-Printed Model with Integrated Sensors for Training. Challenges and issues related to the use of pentobarbital euthanasia and disposal of animal remains within the US have recently been reviewed. Environmental and public health challenges increasingly necessitate consideration of alternative methods such as gunshots, an American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) "acceptable with conditions" method, for the humane euthanasia of horses. A recent study reported a correctly aimed gunshot provides a humane option for euthanizing horses. However, although aiming guidelines exist, studies examining bullet trajectories in animals euthanized by gunsh...
An application of the density standard and scaled-pixel-counting protocol to assess the radiodensity of equine incisor teeth affected by resorption and hypercementosis: preliminary advancement in dental radiography. Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) syndrome is a dental disease where the radiographic signs may be quantified using radiographic texture features. This study aimed to implement the scaled-pixel-counting protocol to quantify and compare the image structure of teeth and the density standard in order to improve the identification of the radiographic signs of tooth resorption and hypercementosis using the EOTRH syndrome model. Results: A detailed examination of the oral cavity was performed in 80 horses and maxillary incisor teeth were evaluated radiographically, in...
Gestation length is associated with early-life limb deformities in Thoroughbred foals. Flexural and angular limb deformities (LD) are an important cause of early-life morbidity and mortality/euthanasia in Thoroughbred foals. The majority are congenital in origin but, to date, their precise aetiology is poorly understood. We hypothesised that maternal- and pregnancy-level factors, particularly those with potential to influence in-utero growth and development, could play an important role. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate associations between such factors and early-life LD in Thoroughbred foals. A birth cohort was established on seven farms across the United King...
Computer-assisted surgery for placing toggle constructs across the coxofemoral joints of small equids using a minimally invasive approach-A proof-of-concept cadaveric study. To develop a minimally invasive technique for placing a toggle construct across the coxofemoral joint of small equids using computer-assisted surgery. Methods: Experimental cadaveric study. Methods: Three pilot specimens: One donkey, one Shetland pony and one Warmblood foal. Six main study specimens: Three Shetland ponies, one American Miniature Horse, one Warmblood foal and one donkey. Methods: Experimental surgeries were performed on both coxofemoral joints of each cadaver. Using a minimally invasive surgical approach, 5.5 mm bone canals were drilled through the femur and acetabulum, trave...
Radiographic Appearance of the Fore Digit and Carpal Joint in the Mule Foal from Birth to 3 Months of Age. Few studies have established the normal radiographic anatomical development of the donkey foal and, to date, no data are available for mules. Our aim was thus to evaluate the radiographic development of the fore digit and carpal joint in the mule foal from 0 to 3 months of age. Ten forelimbs of five healthy full-term mule foals were included. Radiographs of the fore digit lateromedial and dorsopalmar and the carpus dorsopalmar were performed weekly for the first month of age, and bi-monthly during the following two months. Fore digit growth plate closure times, morphological, angular, and line...
Effect of ambulation following 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose injection on standing positron emission tomography of the healthy equine digit. Measure 18F-FDG uptake in digital tissues of healthy horses subjected to different ambulatory conditions between the time of injection and positron emission tomography (PET) scan acquisition. Methods: 8 healthy adult horses. Methods: Horses were walked (AMB) or tied in stalls (NONAMB) immediately after injection with ∼1.5 MBq/kg 18F-FDG until scan acquisition using a randomized crossover design. Steps were quantified using accelerometers. Standardized uptake values (SUV; mean and maximum) in digital tissues including the dorsal lamellae (proximal, middle, and distal), quarter lamellae (media...
Comparison of cone-beam and fan-beam computed tomography and low-field magnetic resonance imaging for detection of proximal phalanx dorsoproximal osteochondral defects. Dorsoproximal osteochondral defects commonly affect the proximal phalanx, but information about diagnosis on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is limited. Objective: To assess CT and MRI diagnoses of osteochondral defects, describe the lesions and compare sensitivity and specificity of the modalities using macroscopic pathology as gold standard. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Thirty-five equine cadaver limbs underwent standing cone-beam CT (CBCT), fan-beam CT (FBCT), low-field MRI and pathological examination. CT and MR images were examined for proximal ph...
Characterization of the Caudal Ventral Tubercle in the Sixth Cervical Vertebra in Modern Equus ferus caballus. This study examined the anomalous variations of the ventral process of C6 in modern E. ferus caballus. The aim was to provide an incremental grading protocol measuring the absence of the caudal ventral tubercle (CVT) in this ventral process. The findings revealed the most prevalent absent CVT (aCVT) was left unilateral (n = 35), with bilateral (n = 29) and right unilateral (n = 12). Grading was determined in equal increments of absence 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, with 4/4 representing a complete aCVT in 56/76, with a significance of p = 0.0013. This also applied to bilateral specimens. In those C6 osseous ...
Thermographic Image of the Hoof Print in Leisure and Cross-Country Warmblood Horses: A Pilot Study. The field of veterinary medicine lacks information on equine thermal hoof printing, and few data on the same subject are available in dogs. In human medicine, thermography is used to detect heat emitted by the foot when it comes in contact with a flat surface to detect the abnormalities of the foot balance. The hypothesis states that the thermal pattern of the hoof print in Warmblood horses is detectable and it does not vary among the four limbs in leisure and cross-country Warmblood horses in terms of mean temperature of the hoof print surface. A pilot study was conducted to investigate the a...
Comparison of Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Identifying Soft Tissue Abnormalities in the Palmar Aspect of the Equine Digit. Damage to the soft tissue structures of the digit is a common source of equine lameness. While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows for the most complete diagnostic imaging of the equine digit, ultrasound is more readily available and less expensive. This prospective diagnostic accuracy study compares ultrasound to MRI for the diagnosis of injuries visible with ultrasound within the digit, including the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), collateral sesamoidean ligament (CSL), and navicular bursa. Clinical patients underwent an MRI of the digit and a blinded ultrasound of the digit between t...
Transmural Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Horse Hoof Internal Structures: Comparative Quantitative Findings-Part 2. The transmural ultrasound allows for the definition of the normal appearance of the hoof tissues and internal structures. Determining such measurements and proportions could contribute to evaluations of the normal spatial distal phalanx-hoof relationship. The objective was to describe the hoof's dermis and epidermis measurements using the transmural technique, in comparison with DR and anatomical sections. Sixty-two healthy hooves without digital radiographic abnormalities, made up of 30 anatomical pieces (phase 1) and 32 alive horse hooves (phase 2), and 16 sagittal sections of the first ones...
Osteochondrosis in the central and third tarsal bones of young horses. Recently, the central and third tarsal bones of 23 equine fetuses and foals were examined using micro-computed tomography. Radiological changes, including incomplete ossification and focal ossification defects interpreted as osteochondrosis, were detected in 16 of 23 cases. The geometry of the osteochondrosis defects suggested they were the result of vascular failure, but this requires histological confirmation. The study aim was to examine central and third tarsal bones from the 16 cases and to describe the tissues present, cartilage canals, and lesions, including suspected osteochondrosis le...
Technical note: Cartilage imaging with sub-cellular resolution using a laboratory-based phase-contrast x-ray microscope. Microscopic imaging of cartilage is a key tool for the study and development of treatments for osteoarthritis. When cellular and sub-cellular resolution is required, histology remains the gold standard approach, albeit limited by the lack of volumetric information as well as by processing artifacts. Cartilage imaging with the sub-cellular resolution has only been demonstrated in the synchrotron environment. Objective: To provide a proof-of-concept demonstration of the capability of a laboratory-based x-ray phase-contrast microscope to resolve sub-cellular features in a cartilage sample. Meth...
Pyelonephritic end-stage kidney and ureterocutaneous fistula in a Shetland pony. A 12-y-old Shetland Pony was presented with a mucus-secreting fistula in the right paralumbar fossa. Surgery was performed to unravel the origin of the fistula. The horse died under anesthesia and was forwarded to autopsy. The right kidney was markedly atrophic and fibrotic, consistent with unilateral end-stage kidney. The right ureter was markedly thickened, but with luminal continuity leading into the urinary bladder where a partial obstruction caused by nodular para-ureteral fat necrosis was evident. The lumen of the cutaneous fistula was continuous with the right ureter; therefore, we diag...
Travelling through the Natural Hierarchies of Type I Collagen with X-rays: From Tendons of Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Pigs. Type I collagen physiological scaffold for tissue regeneration is considered one of the widely used biomaterials for tissue engineering and medical applications. It is hierarchically organized: five laterally staggered molecules are packed within fibrils, arranged into fascicles and bundles. The structural organization is correlated to the direction and intensity of the forces which can be loaded onto the tissue. For a tissue-specific regeneration, the required macro- and microstructure of a suitable biomaterial has been largely investigated. Conversely, the function of multiscale structural i...
Effect of shoeing horses with eggbar shoes and shoes with wedge pads on blood flow parameters in the lateral digital artery in the Doppler ultrasound. A sound knowledge of horseshoe impact on blood flow parameters is required for making shoeing decisions and selecting the most appropriate types of shoes. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of horse shoeing with egg bar shoes and shoes with wedge pads on blood flow parameters in the lateral palmar digital artery measured by Doppler ultrasound. The study was conducted on 16 horses divided into two groups. Horses from group 1 were shod with egg bar shoes. Horses from group 2 were shod with shoes with wedge pads. Doppler ultrasound parameters of the lateral palmar digital artery at...
Anatomical variations of the equine femur and tibia using statistical shape modeling. The objective of this study was to provide an overarching description of the inter-subject variability of the equine femur and tibia morphology using statistical shape modeling. Fifteen femora and fourteen tibiae were used for building the femur and tibia statistical shape models, respectively. Geometric variations in each mode were explained by biometrics measured on ±3 standard deviation instances generated by the shape models. Approximately 95% of shape variations within the population were described by 6 and 3 modes in the femur and tibia shape models, respectively. In the femur shape mod...
Composition, architecture and biomechanical properties of articular cartilage in differently loaded areas of the equine stifle. Strategies for articular cartilage repair need to take into account topographical differences in tissue composition and architecture to achieve durable functional outcome. These have not yet been investigated in the equine stifle. Objective: To analyse the biochemical composition and architecture of three differently loaded areas of the equine stifle. We hypothesise that site differences correlate with the biomechanical characteristics of the cartilage. Methods: Ex vivo study. Methods: Thirty osteochondral plugs per location were harvested from the lateral trochlear ridge (LTR), the distal int...
Hipparion tracks and horses’ toes: the evolution of the equid single hoof. The traditional story of the evolution of the horse (family Equidae) has been in large part about the evolution of their feet. How did modern horses come to have a single toe (digit III), with the hoof bearing a characteristic V-shaped keratinous frog on the sole, and what happened to the other digits? While it has long been known that the proximal portions of digits II and IV are retained as the splint bones, a recent hypothesis suggested that the distal portion of these digits have also been retained as part of the frog, drawing upon the famous Laetoli footprints of the tridactyl (three-toed...
Morphological and radiological mapping of dental cusps in relation to spatial constraints on tooth shape of one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius). A significant extent of researches in veterinary study have been focused on dental structure; however, there are scanty ones on the orientation and identification of their cusps. Therefore, the present article aimed to spot a light on arrangement pattern of dental cusps in the camel as a folivorous and graminivorous animal. This study was conducted on eight heads of adult, healthy camel of both sexes, collected from slaughter houses. To perform exact orientation of cusps of molar teeth, additional radiological and CT scans were performed on the mandible as a landmark that should facilitate the...