Nielsen MK, Finnerty CA, Ripley NE, Page AE, McClendon ME, Adams AA.Anthelmintic performance against equine cyathostomins can be evaluated by two different non-terminal measures; the Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) and the Egg Reappearance Period (ERP). Most available FECRT and ERP data have been determined in populations of young horses, and very little information is available from mature and senior horses. Furthermore, it is unknown how commonly occurring equine endocrine disorders such as Insulin dysregulation (ID) and Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) may interfere with these measurements, but it has been suggested that horses with these...
Gaesser AM, Usimaki AIJ, Barot DA, Linardi RL, Molugu S, Musante L, Ortved KF.Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as a biotherapeutic for osteoarthritis; however, manufacturing large quantities is not practical using traditional monolayer (2-D) culture. We aimed to examine the effects of 3-D and 2-D culture 2 types of media: Dulbecco modified Eagle medium and a commercially available medium (CM) on EV yield. Methods: Banked bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs) from 6 healthy, young horses were used. Methods: 4 microcarriers (collagen-coated polystyrene, uncoated polystyrene, collagen-coated dextran, and uncoated dextran) were tested in st...
Pereira-Figueiredo I, Rosa I, Sancho Sanchez C.Horses are often still exposed to stressful or inadequate conditions and difficult relationships with humans, despite growing concerns about animal welfare. In the present study, we investigated the impact of different approaches of short-term handling sessions on young Lusitanian horses raised on a high-breed farm, specifically on their later adaptability to humans and stressful environments. Thirty-one foals (3 months old ± 15 days), from both sexes, were separated into three groups, one submitted to 3 consecutive days of handling sessions (Int-H), another to one handling session each month...
u00c1lvarez Narvu00e1ez S, Beaudry MS, Norris CG, Bartlett PB, Glenn TC, Sanchez S.GITDs are among the most common causes of death in adult and young horses in the United States (US). Previous studies have indicated a connection between GITDs and the equine gut microbiome. However, the low taxonomic resolution of the current microbiome sequencing methods has hampered the identification of specific bacterial changes associated with GITDs in horses. Here, we have compared TEHC, a new approach for 16S rRNA gene selection and sequencing, with conventional 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing for the characterization of the equine fecal microbiome. Both sequencing approaches were us...
Helmerich P, Bachmann I, Gygax L.Horses must lie down to go into vital rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep. If they are not lying down for sufficiently long periods they can become so sleep-deprived that they collapse uncontrollably, which results in a risk of injuries. Objective: To investigate how recumbency as a prerequisite to REM sleep on the experimental days and the following nights was influenced by changes in social and spatial environment throughout the day. Methods: Cross-over design in which subjects experienced each experimental condition twice. Methods: Observations were conducted on a horse farm. Ten young horses in...
Sawesi OK, Elbaz AK, Mahmoud AS, Duro EM, Alteab AA, Milad KK, Bennuor EM.Hematological evaluation is an important step for health assessment in equine medicine. Besides biochemical tests, that evaluation could be pivotal for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment monitoring. In Libya, the horse population has drastically increased in the last years, and hitherto, no report addressed the reference hematological values for the existing equine breeds. Unassigned: This study aimed to establish the reference for hematological indices of traditional equestrian and stud-farm equine breeds in Western Libya in regard to some variables such as individual characteristics, manage...
Schneider C, James K, Craig BW, Chappell DE, Vaala W, van Harreveld PD, Wright CA, Barnum S, Pusterla N.Equine rhinitis B virus is a lesser-known equine respiratory pathogen that is being detected with increasing frequency via a voluntary upper respiratory biosurveillance program in the United States. This program received 8684 nasal swab submissions during the years 2012-2023. The nasal swabs were submitted for qPCR testing for six common upper respiratory pathogens: subspecies (), equine influenza virus (EIV), equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1), equine herpesvirus type 4 (EHV-4), equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV), and equine rhinitis B virus (ERBV). The overall ERBV qPCR-positivity rate was 5.08...
Abbas G, Stevenson MA, Bauquier J, Beasley A, Jacobson C, El-Hage C, Wilkes EJA, Carrigan P, Cudmore L, Hurley J, Beveridge I, Nielsen MK, Hughes KJ....This study aimed to assess Australian veterinarians' knowledge, perceptions and treatment strategies for worm control in horses with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised 64 questions covering various aspects of: (i) veterinary practice; (ii) the veterinarian's knowledge of gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) and the importance of parasites in different age groups of horses; (iii) the diagnosis and control of worms; (iv) anthelmintics and anthelmintic resistance (AR); (v) grazing management; and (vi) the means of communication and the discussion between veterinarians and their cli...
Chapard L, Meyermans R, Gorssen W, Hooyberghs K, Meurrens I, De Smet S, Buys N, Janssens S.The main goal of the Belgian Warmblood horse studbook (BWP) is to breed successful competition horses, with emphasis on show jumping. However, competition results are only available later in life and competition traits are lowly heritable. Hence, the use of phenotypes that record performance-related traits at an early life stage could help increase genetic progress. In this study, we evaluated the potential of eleven linear scored early life jumping traits assessed during jumping in freedom (2-5 years old) or under the saddle (4-6 years old) as proxies for later success in show jumping com...
Bennet ED, Parkin TDH.Racehorse training and racing schedules in many parts of the United States and Canada were interrupted or otherwise reduced during the first three to six months of 2020. This was an indirect consequence of mitigations to prevent the spread of the pandemic virus COVID-19. Data from the Equine Injury Database, a census-level survey of all race starts made in the USA and Canada, were used to analyse the incidence of fatalities in 2009-2022 among three age cohorts of racehorses within each year. There was a statistically significant increase in the incidence of musculoskeletal fatalities among 2-y...
Matas Riera M, Cardenas Nadal M, Martínez-Sogues L, Ferrer L.Dermatological clinical signs have been seldom reported in the literature secondary to equine leishmaniasis. This case depicts the clinical signs, treatment, and outcome of a young horse with a pink, elevated lesion on the ventromedial quadrant of the cornea. A corneal cytology was performed and revealed the presence of leishmania amastigotes reaching the diagnosis of keratitis secondary to leishmania. Surgical resection was recommended but the owner declined the procedure, and the lesion was treated with a topical antimonial for 6 weeks. The lesion reduced remarkably during the first weeks ...
Vergara-Hernandez FB, Nielsen BD, Kottwitz JJ, Panek CL, Robison CI, Paris BL, Welsh TH, Bradbery AN, Leatherwood JL, Colbath AC.To determine the single-dose pharmacokinetics of clodronate disodium (CLO) in juvenile sheep and the plasma protein binding (PPB) of CLO in juvenile sheep and horses. Methods: 11 juvenile crossbred sheep (252 ± 6 days) for the pharmacokinetic study. Three juvenile crossbred sheep (281 ± 4 days) and 3 juvenile Quarter Horses (599 ± 25 days) for PPB analysis. Methods: CLO concentrations were determined using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by noncompartmental analysis from plasma samples obtained at 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours ...
Olstad K, Ekman S, Bju00f6rnsdu00f3ttir S, Fjordbakk CT, Hansson K, Sigurdsson SF, Ley CJ.Recently, the central and third tarsal bones of 23 equine fetuses and foals were examined using micro-computed tomography. Radiological changes, including incomplete ossification and focal ossification defects interpreted as osteochondrosis, were detected in 16 of 23 cases. The geometry of the osteochondrosis defects suggested they were the result of vascular failure, but this requires histological confirmation. The study aim was to examine central and third tarsal bones from the 16 cases and to describe the tissues present, cartilage canals, and lesions, including suspected osteochondrosis le...
McCoy AM, Scolman KN.The aim of this study was to identify the radiographic prevalence of periarticular osteophytes of the distal tarsus in nonlame yearling Standardbred horses, and to evaluate its potential impact on race performance. Methods: Cross-sectional cohort study. Methods: Client-owned yearling Standardbred horses (n = 416). Methods: Bilateral tarsal radiographs were available from all horses for review. Osteophytes were measured on radiographs using clinical visualization software and categorized by size. Racing records were obtained from the United States Trotting Association. Regression analysis w...
Jacquay ET, Harris PA, Adams AA.Transportation of horses on short journeys can lead to an increase in stress. There are known age-associated changes in immune and metabolic responses in horses; however, no research exists evaluating how age may influence these responses to transportation stress. Eleven mares within two age groups, aged (n = 5, 22 ± 1 year) or young (n = 6, 2 ± 1 year), were transported 1 hour and 20 minutes. Peripheral blood and saliva were collected before and after transportation at baseline (2 to 3 weeks prior to transportation), 24 hours pre-transport, 1 hour before loading, 15 minutes, 30 minutes,...
Peat FJ, Kawcak CE, McIlwraith CW, Keenan DP, Berk JT, Mork DS.Subchondral lucencies (SCLs) in the distal aspect of the medial femoral condyle (MFC) of young Thoroughbred horses are a source of controversy on presale radiographs. There is limited scientific evidence regarding the risk of progression and impact on future racing performance. Objective: To (1) identify the prevalence of MFC SCLs on sales repository radiographs in yearling and 2-year-old Thoroughbreds; (2) identify any association between grade of MFC SCL and future racing performance and (3) monitor changes in MFC SCL grades between yearling and 2-year-old sales. Methods: Prospective cohort ...
Nogueira WA, Ferreira Padilha FG, Angelo Luiz M, da Silva Salomu00e3o N, Monteiro Fonseca AB, Reis Ferreira AM.This study aimed to analyze effect of physical exercise in hemogasometric and electrolytic profiles of young Mangalarga Marchador horses beginning training for gait competitions. Six Mangalarga Marchador gaited horses with 6 months of training were evaluated. The ages ranged from three and a half to five years and included four stallions and two mares, with mean (±S.D.) body weight of 435±30Kg. Venous blood samples were collected from the horses, rectal temperature and HR were measured before and immediately after the gait test, and blood samples were used for hemogasometric and laboratory a...
Van Cauter R, Serteyn D, Lejeune JP, Rousset A, Caudron I.Osteochondrosis is a developmental orthopedic disease characterized by a defect of enchondral ossification. This pathological condition develops and evolves during growth and is influenced by various factors, in particular genetic and environmental. However, little research has been conducted on the dynamic of this condition in horses after the age of 12 months. The retrospective study presented here investigates changes in osteochondrosis lesions through two standardized radiographic examinations carried out on young Walloon sport horses after one year of age (mean age at first and second exa...
Punzu00f3n E, Garcu00eda-Castillo M, Rico MA, Padilla L, Pradera A.Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent cells with a wide range of therapeutic applications, including, among others, tissue regeneration. This work aims to test the safety (EUC-MSC) of intra-articular administration of equine umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in young healthy dogs under field conditions following single and repeated administration. This was compared with the safety profile of allogenic canine adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (CAD-MSC) and placebo in order to define the safety of xenogeneic use of mesenchymal stem cells when administered intra-articular. Twenty-four p...
Sloan PB, White B, Santschi EM.Osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) is common in the femoropatellar joint in Thoroughbred yearlings for sale at auction and there is no consensus on the effect on racing outcomes. Objective: Describe femoropatellar OCD in juvenile Thoroughbreds and compare the racing performance of affected Thoroughbred horses to siblings and unaffected horses from the same sale. Methods: Retrospective case-control study of juvenile horses born 2010-2016. Methods: Radiographic reports from 27 Thoroughbred auctions of weanling (5-11 months of age) and yearling (12-22 months of age) horses were reviewed to ident...
Arfuso F, Piccione G, Guttadauro A, Monteverde V, Giudice E, Giannetto C.Inflammaging or chronic, low-grade inflammation is a phenomenon characterizing age-related pathologies and natural processes in aging tissues. This study aimed to investigate the effect of age on the serum levels of C-reactive protein and protein electrophoretic pattern in horses. Thirty Italian Saddle horses from the same horse training center, were enrolled and divided in three equal groups according to their age: Group A (2-4 years), Group B (7-10 years), Group C (15-20 years). Blood samples were collected from each horse to evaluate hematological parameters and the serum concentration of C...
Moshage SG, McCoy AM, Kersh ME.Density-modulus relationships are necessary to develop finite element models of bones that may be used to evaluate local tissue response to different physical activities. It is unknown if juvenile equine trabecular bone may be described by the same density-modulus as adult equine bone, and how the density-modulus relationship varies with anatomical location and loading direction. To answer these questions, trabecular bone cores from the third metacarpal (MC3) and proximal phalanx (P1) bones of juvenile horses (age <1 yr) were machined in the longitudinal (n = 134) and transverse (n ...
Kawahisa-Piquini G, Bass L, Pezzanite LM, Moorman VJ.The role of hoof morphology is increasingly recognized as a factor associated with lameness incidence in performance horses. The primary objective was to evaluate effect of training initiation on hoof unevenness in Quarter Horses (n = 42; 29 2-year-olds, 13 3-year-olds) over 6-months (m) in training (m0, m2, m4, and m6). Horses were objectively assessed for lameness (inertial sensor system) and photographs and radiographs of feet were taken. Hoof measurements were taken (palmar/plantar angles, frog base width/length, toe length/angle, heel length/angle, heel/foot width, wall height/angle), a...
Zetterberg E, Leclercq A, Persson-Sjodin E, Lundblad J, Haubro Andersen P, Hernlund E, Rhodin M.Many horses, just before and during their athletic career, show vertical movement asymmetries, to the same degree as clinically lame horses. It is unknown whether these asymmetries are caused by pain or have alternative explanations, such as inherent biological variation. In the latter case, movement asymmetries would be expected to be present at a very young age. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of movement asymmetries in foals. Motion analysis, using an inertial measurement unit-based system (Equinosis), was performed on 54 foals (31 Swedish Warmbloods, 23 Standardbreds) during...
Pressanto MC, Pepe M, Coomer RPC, Pilati N, Beccati F.The purpose of this prospective study was to investigate the prevalence and severity of radiographic abnormalities of the interspinous spaces (ISSs) in the thoracolumbar vertebral column of unbroken yearlings and to compare these findings with a group of older trained Thoroughbred horses without perceived back pain. Yearlings (n = 47) and trained horses (55); 102 total. Each horse underwent a digital radiographic study of the thoracolumbar vertebral column (T7-L3) and each space graded for narrowing of the ISSs, increased opacity, radiolucency, and modeling of the cranial and caudal margins of...
Adepu S, Lord M, Hugoh Z, Nystru00f6m S, Mattsson-Hulten L, Abrahamsson-Aurell K, Lu00fctzelschwab C, Skiu00f6ldebrand E.We aimed to delineate a novel soluble Biglycan Neo-epitope-BGN262 in saliva from young reference and osteoarthritic horses in conjunction with the influence of short-term training exercise, riding surface hardness, circadian rhythm, and feeding on its soluble levels. Unassigned: A custom-made inhibition ELISA was used for the quantification of BGN262 in saliva. Cohort 1: A cross-sectional study comprising reference (N = 19) and OA horses (N = 9) with radiographically classified subchondral bone sclerosis. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed to evaluat...
Nazari-Ghadikolaei A, Fikse F, Gelinder Viklund u00c5, Eriksson S.Assessment protocols to describe the various aspects of conformation, gait and jumping traits on a linear scale were introduced at young horse tests for Swedish Warmblood horses in 2013. The traits scored on a linear scale are assumed to be less subjective and more easily compared across populations than the traditional evaluated traits that are scored relative to the breeding goal. However, the resulting number of traits is considerable, and several of the traits are correlated. The aim of this study was to investigate the interrelationship between the different evaluated and linearly scored ...
Siegers E, van Wijk E, van den Broek J, Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan M, Munsters C.Friesian stallions have to complete a 10-week studbook approval test (70-day test) consisting of dressage and driving training for acceptance as a breeding stallion. Training response of the horses to this approval program was evaluated. External workload (EW) of 16 stallions (3.2 ± 0.4 years old) was registered during the 9 weeks preceding the 70-day test (preparation period) and during 70-day test. Ridden indoor standardized exercise tests (SET), measuring heart rate (HR) and plasma lactate concentration (LA) at walk, trot and canter, were performed in week 1 (SET-I), 6 (SET-II) and 10 (SET...
Siegers E, van den Broek J, Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan M, Munsters C.Young Friesian stallions have to complete a 10-week training program (70-day test) for acceptance as a breeding stallion. Part one of this study showed that the 70-day test was too intense and led to reduced fitness. In the present (part two) study, the effects of an adapted training program were studied. Training frequency and minutes of cantering per week were lowered compared with part one. The external workload (EW) of sixteen stallions (3.4 ± 0.8 years) was monitored during the 6-weeks before testing (preparation period) as well as during the 70-day test. Standardized exercise tests (SET...
Wilke MM, Nydam DV, Nixon AJ.Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) provide an important source of pluripotent cells for musculoskeletal tissue repair. This study examined the impact of MSC implantation on cartilage healing characteristics in a large animal model. Twelve full-thickness 15-mm cartilage lesions in the femoropatellar articulations of six young mature horses were repaired by injection of a self-polymerizing autogenous fibrin vehicle containing mesenchymal stem cells, or autogenous fibrin alone in control joints. Arthroscopic second look and defect biopsy was obtained at 30 days, and all animals were euthanized 8 month...
Love S, Murphy D, Mellor D.Cyathostomes are now the principle parasitic pathogen of the horse: a remarkable transformation during the last 25 years from virtual obscurity to focus of attention in equine parasitology. This rise to prominence coincides with the marked decrease in prevalence of large strongyle infections as a result of widespread use of modern anthelmintic compounds. On the basis that strongyle-associated diseases continue to commonly occur in the absence of these large strongyle species, clinical attention has turned to the pathogenicity of cyathostomes. Although many horses harbour burdens of tens of tho...
Hondalus MK, Mosser DM.Rhodococcus equi is a facultative intracellular bacterium of macrophages that can cause serious pneumonia in both young horses and immunocompromised people. Essential to understanding rhodococcus pathogenesis is a quantitative documentation of the intracellular events that follow macrophage phagocytosis of the organism. By using a bacterial immunofluorescence staining assay, we verified the intracellular survival and replicative potential of R. equi in both murine peritoneal macrophages and equine alveolar macrophages in vitro. Following an initial lag period of 6 to 12 h, the intracellular nu...
Visser EK, van Reenen CG, van der Werf JT, Schilder MB, Knaap JH, Barneveld A, Blokhuis HJ.Forty-one Dutch Warmblood immature horses were used in a study to quantify temperamental traits on the basis of heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) measures. Half of the horses received additional training from the age of 5 months onwards; the other half did not. Horses were tested at 9, 10, 21 and 22 months of age in a novel object and a handling test. During the tests, mean HR and two heart variability indices, e.g. standard deviation of beat-to-beat intervals (SDRR) and root mean square of successive beat-to-beat differences (rMSSD), were calculated and expressed as response va...
Vidal MA, Kilroy GE, Johnson JR, Lopez MJ, Moore RM, Gimble JM.To characterize equine bone marrow (BM)-derived mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) growth characteristics and frequency as well as their adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation potential. Methods: In vitro experimental study. Methods: Foals (n=3, age range, 17-51 days) and young horses (n=5, age range, 9 months to 5 years). Methods: Equine MSCs were harvested and isolated from sternal BM aspirates and grown up to passage 10 to determine cell-doubling (CD) characteristics. Limit dilution assays were performed on primary and passaged MSCs to determine the frequency of colony-forming units with a fibr...
von Bargen K, Haas A.The soil actinomycete Rhodococcus equi is a pulmonary pathogen of young horses and AIDS patients. As a facultative intracellular bacterium, R. equi survives and multiplies in macrophages and establishes its specific niche inside the host cell. Recent research into chromosomal virulence factors and into the role of virulence plasmids in infection and host tropism has presented novel aspects of R. equi infection biology and pathogenicity. This review will focus on new findings in R. equi biology, the trafficking of R. equi-containing vacuoles inside host cells, factors involved in virulence and ...
Rossdale PD, Hopes R, Digby NJ, offord K.An epidemiological study of wastage among racehorses was conducted in 1982 and 1983 among six stables, five of which were in Newmarket. The basis of the survey was the inability of horses to take part in cantering exercise as a result of injury or disease. The greatest number of days lost to training was caused by lameness (67.6 per cent) and respiratory problems (20.5 per cent). Conditions of the foot (19 pe cent), muscle (18 per cent), carpus (14 per cent), fetlock joints (14 per cent), tendons (10 per cent) and sore shins (9 per cent) were the major reasons for training days being lost in 1...
Ramsay JD, Evanoff R, Wilkinson TE, Divers TJ, Knowles DP, Mealey RH.Equine hepacivirus (EHCV; nonprimate hepacivirus) is a hepatotropic member of the Flaviviridae family that infects horses. Although EHCV is the closest known relative to hepatitis C virus (HCV), its complete replication kinetics in vivo have not been described, and direct evidence that it causes hepatitis has been lacking. In this study, we detected EHCV in 2 horses that developed post-transfusion hepatitis. Plasma and serum from these horses were used to experimentally transmit EHCV to 4 young adult Arabian horses, two 1-month-old foals (1 Arabian and 1 Arabian-pony cross), and 2 foals (1 Ara...
Bide RW, Armour SJ, Yee E.The relationship between body weight (BW) and respiratory minute volume (V(m)) was reviewed by collecting a database from the literature. The data were separated into anaesthetized and non-anaesthetized groups. Only young adult terrestrial mammals were included in the final data set. This database is the largest to be reported to date, is the first to separate the anaesthetized and non-anaesthetized groups and is matched to the target population of young, fit adult humans. The data set of non-anaesthetized animals contained 142 studies representing 2616 animals and 18 species from mice at 12 g...
Chitnavis JP, Gibbons CL, Hirigoyen M, Lloyd Parry J, Simpson AH.Horse riding is a dangerous pastime with more accidents occurring per hour than during motor-cycling. Since a prospective survey of horse-related injuries conducted at a major centre in 1971-1972, equestrian groups and the medical profession have encouraged improvements in training and protective riding wear. By conducting a similar study at the same centre 20 years later we hoped to assess the effects of these measures on the pattern of injuries resulting from contact with horses. Patient and injury details were recorded prospectively for all those presenting to the Accident Service at Oxford...
Holcombe SJ, Jackson C, Gerber V, Jefcoat A, Berney C, Eberhardt S, Robinson NE.We examined the effect of stabling on upper and lower airway inflammation in 14 yearling Arabian horses that had been at pasture since birth. Horses were divided into 2 groups of 7. One group was stabled for 3 months and the other remained at pasture. The groups were then switched over for another 3 months. The nasopharynx, guttural pouches and trachea were examined endoscopically and bronchoalveolar lavage performed every month. An upper airway inflammation score was devised based on the magnitude of pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia and guttural pouch inflammation. During stabling this score r...
Wood JL, Newton JR, Chanter N, Mumford JA.Respiratory disease is important in horses, particularly in young Thoroughbred racehorses, and inflammation that is detected in the trachea and bronchi (termed inflammatory airway disease [IAD]) is more significant in this population in terms of impact and frequency than other presentations of respiratory disease. IAD, which is characterized by neutrophilic inflammation, mild clinical signs, and accumulation of mucus in the trachea, may be multifactorial, possibly involving infections and environmental and immunological factors, and its etiology remains unclear. This 3-year longitudinal study ...
Rushton JO, Lecollinet S, Hubu00e1lek Z, Svobodovu00e1 P, Lussy H, Nowotny N.An unexpectedly high infection rate (26.1%) of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) was identified in a herd of 257 horses of the same breed distributed among 3 federal states in Austria. Young age (p<0.001) and male sex (p=0.001) were positively associated with infection.
Smith RK, Birch H, Patterson-Kane J, Firth EC, Williams L, Cherdchutham W, van Weeren WR, Goodship AE.In human athletes, conditioning, training and competition are commenced before skeletal maturity. Yet in equine athletics, racing of young (age 2 years) horses remains contentious. Tendon injury persists as major causes of wastage in equine athletes. Minimising injury and associated welfare issues could involve a radical approach to the timing and implementation of conditioning and training. Tendons were examined from Thoroughbreds, Dutch Warmblood foals, working horses and also a group of wild horses to evaluate effects of age, function and exercise. Gross mechanical properties did not differ...
Verheyen K, Price J, Lanyon L, Wood J.In order to gain insight into those training regimens that can minimise the risk of fracture in athletic populations, we conducted a large epidemiological study in racehorses. Thoroughbred racehorses provide a suitable model for studying fracture development and exercise-related risk factors in physically active populations. They represent a homogeneous population, undertaking intensive exercise programmes that are sufficiently heterogeneous to determine those factors that influence injury risk. Daily exercise information was recorded for a cohort of 1178 thoroughbreds that were monitored for ...
Larose C, Richard-Yris MA, Hausberger M, Rogers LJ.We have established that lateral biases are characteristic of visual behaviour in 65 horses. Two breeds, Trotters and French Saddlebreds aged 2 to 3, were tested on a novel object test. The main finding was a significant correlation between emotionality index and the eye preferred to view the novel stimulus: the higher the emotionality, the more likely that the horse looked with its left eye. The less emotive French Saddlebreds, however, tended to glance at the object using the right eye, a tendency that was not found in the Trotters, although the emotive index was the same for both breeds. Th...
Ivester KM, Couu00ebtil LL, Moore GE, Zimmerman NJ, Raskin RE.Inflammatory airway disease (IAD) in horses is a widespread, performance-limiting syndrome believed to develop in response to inhaled irritants in the barn environment. Objective: To evaluate changes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytology and exposure to particulates, endotoxin, and ammonia during horses' first month in training. Methods: Forty-nine client-owned 12- to 36-month-old Thoroughbred horses entering race training. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, a convenience sample of horses was assigned to be fed hay from a net (n = 16), whereas the remaining horses were fed ha...
Wilsher S, Allen WR, Wood JL.The low productivity associated with training and racing of young Thoroughbreds (TBs) in the UK due to athletic inability, injury and disease requires further study. Objective: To identify the time points and causes of losses during growth and training phases of a cohort of 1022 TB foals born in 1999 up to the end of their third year. Methods: Movement and fate of 1022 Thoroughbred foals conceived in 1998 and born live in 1999 were monitored from birth to age 3 years. Those (n = 562) that entered training age 2 and/or 3 years with one of 161 registered trainers in Britain or Ireland in 2001/2 ...
Ashour J, Hondalus MK.Rhodococcus equi is a facultative intracellular opportunistic pathogen of immunocompromised people and a major cause of pneumonia in young horses. An effective live attenuated vaccine would be extremely useful in the prevention of R. equi disease in horses. Toward that end, we have developed an efficient transposon mutagenesis system that makes use of a Himar1 minitransposon delivered by a conditionally replicating plasmid for construction of R. equi mutants. We show that Himar1 transposition in R. equi is random and needs no apparent consensus sequence beyond the required TA dinucleotide. The...
Nunamaker DM, Butterweck DM, Provost MT.The North American Thoroughbred racehorse was chosen as a model to study the pathogenesis of fatigue failure of bone. This species has a high incidence of spontaneous fatigue failure of bone (bucked shins) during its early training. In vivo strain gauge studies of the third metacarpal bone of four young racehorses running at racing speeds showed high principal compressive strains [-4,841 +/- 572 (SD) microstrain] while two older horses had lower principal compressive strains (-3,317 microstrain measured at racing speed, -3,250 microstrain extrapolated from a slower speed run). Previously repor...
Schmidt A, Aurich J, Mu00f6stl E, Mu00fcller J, Aurich C.Based on cortisol release, a variety of situations to which domestic horses are exposed have been classified as stressors but studies on the stress during equestrian training are limited. In the present study, Warmblood stallions (n=9) and mares (n=7) were followed through a 9 respective 12-week initial training program in order to determine potentially stressful training steps. Salivary cortisol concentrations, beat-to-beat (RR) interval and heart rate variability (HRV) were determined. The HRV variables standard deviation of the RR interval (SDRR), RMSSD (root mean square of successive RR di...
Waters AJ, Nicol CJ, French NP.Stereotypies are invariant and repetitive behaviour patterns that seemingly have no function, which tend to develop in captive animals faced with insoluble problems and may be indicative of reduced welfare. A 4 year prospective study of the factors influencing the development of stereotypic and redirected behaviours (abnormal behaviour) in a population of 225 young Thoroughbred and part-Thoroughbred horses was conducted between 1995 and 1999. Abnormal behaviour affected 34.7% of the population. Multivariable analysis showed that foals of low- or middle-ranking mares were less likely to develop...
Bartolomu00e9 E, Su00e1nchez MJ, Molina A, Schaefer AL, Cervantes I, Valera M.The aims of this study were, first, to evaluate eye temperature (ET) with infrared thermography and heart rate (HR) to measure stress in horses during show jumping competitions and their relationship with competition results, and second, to evaluate the influence of different extrinsic and intrinsic factors of the horse on the stress measurements analysed. One hundred and seventy-three Spanish Sport Horses were analysed for ET and HR, and these measurements were taken 3 h before the competition, just after and 3 h after it. Two interval measurements were also assessed for each parameter. Posit...
Thorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD, Screen HR.Some tendons, such as the human Achilles and equine superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), act as energy stores, stretching and recoiling to increase efficiency during locomotion. Our previous observations of rotation in response to applied strain in SDFT fascicles suggest a helical structure, which may provide energy-storing tendons with a greater ability to extend and recoil efficiently. Despite this specialization, energy-storing tendons are prone to age-related tendinopathy. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of cyclic fatigue loading (FL) on the microstructural strain respo...
Kopesky PW, Lee HY, Vanderploeg EJ, Kisiday JD, Frisbie DD, Plaas AH, Ortiz C, Grodzinsky AJ.Our objective was to evaluate the age-dependent mechanical phenotype of bone marrow stromal cell- (BMSC-) and chondrocyte-produced cartilage-like neo-tissue and to elucidate the matrix-associated mechanisms which generate this phenotype. Cells from both immature (2-4 month-old foals) and skeletally-mature (2-5 year-old adults) mixed-breed horses were isolated from animal-matched bone marrow and cartilage tissue, encapsulated in self-assembling-peptide hydrogels, and cultured with and without TGF-beta1 supplementation. BMSCs and chondrocytes from both donor ages were encapsulated with high viab...
Patterson-Kane JC, Firth EC, Goodship AE, Parry DA.To measure collagen fibril crimp angles and lengths as well as collagen fibril mass-average diameters in central and peripheral regions of the superficial digital flexor tendon of wild horses, to ascertain any age-related changes in either region in the absence of imposed galloping exercise. Methods: Measurements from a random cull of wild horses. Methods: Superficial digital flexor tendon samples were taken from 23 wild horses ranging in age from two to ten years. Methods: Horses were divided into 'young' (< 5 years, n = 10), 'middle-aged' (5 to < 10 years, n = 9) and 'ol...
Stanley RL, Fleck RA, Becker DL, Goodship AE, Ralphs JR, Patterson-Kane JC.Injury to the energy-storing superficial digital flexor tendon is common in equine athletes and is age-related. Tenocytes in the superficial digital flexor tendon of adult horses appear to have limited ability to respond adaptively to exercise or prevent the accumulation of strain-induced microdamage. It has been suggested that conditioning exercise should be introduced during the growth period, when tenocytes may be more responsive to increased quantities or intensities of mechanical strain. Tenocytes are linked into networks by gap junctions that allow coordination of synthetic activity and ...
Fortier G, van Erck E, Pronost S, Lekeux P, Thiry E.Equine gammaherpesviruses (γEHV) have been widely studied over the past 45 years and many isolates have been characterised. Despite this, the diagnosis of γEHV infection remains difficult to establish as its clinical manifestations lack specificity, ranging from mild respiratory signs in a small number of animals to outbreaks in large groups of young horses. This review focuses on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of equine herpesvirus (EHV)-2 and -5 infections, as well as on the genetic variation of these viruses. Study of these variations has resulted in...
Newton JR, Townsend HG, Wood JL, Sinclair R, Hannant D, Mumford JA.Field outbreaks of influenza that occurred in vaccinated Thoroughbred racehorses in Newmarket in 1995 and 1996 were investigated by nucleoprotein ELISA and serology. Investigations showed that serum levels of vaccine-induced single radial haemolysis (SRH) antibody correlated closely with protective immunity against equine influenza and were consistent with observations made in previous experimental studies using nebulised aerosol challenge. In the second part of this study, antibody levels stimulated by vaccination were investigated to examine probable protection in high risk groups, such as y...